"Jeanette" <>Date:
Sat, 19 Feb 2000 08:43:56To: <>
Subject: RE: WM: Historical Context of Our Healing God
>When we rush to look up Scriptures that support healing, are we perhaps forgetting to take those Scriptures in proper historical context? Is this not one of the most important and essential elements of hermeneutics? If we fail to review the historical setting of Scripture, we may very well find ourselves providing the correct answers to wrong questions.
>In Christ,
I think you have hit the nail on the head Ron! We must take Scripture in context, not just of the passage in question, but the whole context of the history of God's dealings with mankind, and His promises for our future. I believe many of the passages on healing have a double meaning - physical, which we will all receive one day if we are His, and spiritual, which is ongoing in our lives right now. Certainly, I always took the line "by His stripes are we healed" to mean that my sin is covered by His shed blood and sufferings at Calvary! That was the *reason* for His "stripes". Of course, having our sin covered means that we inherit all the other blessings of redemption, which includes the redemption of our bodies!
Thank you for your summary, Ron - you made a lot of good sense here.