Fraud in the
Corporate Context
The FBI Criminal Undercover Operations Review Committee
. . . . . . . . . 1By Joshu a R. Hochberg
Investigating Accounting Frauds
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3By Dav id L. Anderso n and Joseph W . St . Denis
Prime Bank/High Yield Investment Schemes
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10By Joel E. Leising and Michael Mc Garry
Prosecuting Corporations: The Federal Principles and Corporate Compliance
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19By Philip Urofsky
Ex Parte Contacts with Corporate Employees
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26By Edward I. Hag en
Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Medical Record Privacy
. . . . . . . 30By Ian C. Smith DWaal
Primer for Using Sentencing Guidelines Enhancement for Identity Theft-Related Conduct
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39By Paula J. Desio and Donald A . Purdy, J r.
March 20 02
Volume 50
Number 2
United States
Department of Justice
Executive Office for
United States Attorneys
Office of Legal Education
Washingt on, DC
Kenneth L. Wainstein
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In This Issue
BULLET IN MARCH 2002before Congress on securities litigation reform.
aJoseph W . St. De nis
is an Assistant ChiefAccountant in the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission’s Division of Enforcement
in W ashin gton, D .C. M r. St. De nis ha s a deg ree in
accounting and an M.B.A. from the University of
Colorado at Boulder. Mr. St. Denis is a licensed
CPA in Colorad o. Before joining the SEC’s
Division of Enforcement, Mr. St. Denis was an
auditor with Coopers & Lybrand and a CFO,
controller and vice president-finance in the hightech
aThe Securities and Exchange Commission, as a
matter of policy, disclaims any responsibility for
any private publication or speech by its members
or staff. The views expressed herein are those of
the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Commission or the authors’
colleagues on the staff of the Commission.
Prime Bank/High Yield Investment
Joel E. Leising
Senior Trial Attorney
Fraud Section, Criminal Division
Michael McGarry
Trial Attorney
Fraud Section, Criminal Division
I. Introduction
Ever since Breton Woods and the formation
of the I ntern ationa l Monetary Fund and W orld
Bank in the late 1940's, the major banks in the
world have engaged in trading programs among
them selve s, yield ing retu rns ra nging from 10% to
100% per month, at little or no risk. Only these
banks, and a few select traders authorized by the
Fede ral Re serve , are allowed to partic ipate in
these trading prog rams , whic h are p rincip ally
designed to generate funds for humanitarian and
other worthwhile projects. On occasion, particular
trader s allow individ ual inv estors to partic ipate in
these secret trading programs by pooling the
individual’s funds with funds from other investors
until a certain amount, usually a minimum of
$100 million, is accumulated for a trade.
However, these individuals must enter nondisclo
sure a greem ents w ith the tra ders a nd ag ree to
contribute half of their profits to a designated
charitable cause.
Intere sted? You r inves tmen t advis or nev er told
you about this? Maybe that's because all of what
you have just read is false. Nevertheless,
thousands of people during the past decade have
fallen prey to scams based on similar claims and
lost billions of dollars believing they were
investing in such mythical trading programs.
Despite repeated warnings over the years from
various regulatory agencies and international
organizations that such trading programs do not
exist, these prime bank or high-yield investment
schemes have continued to proliferate and are now
nearing epidem ic levels.
Various agencies or organizations, such as the
Federal Reserve Board, Office of Comptroller of
Currency, Department of Treasury, Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC), International
Chamber of Commerce, North American
Securities Administrators Association,
International Monetary Fund, and World Bank
have all issue d exp licit war nings to the p ublic
abou t prime bank fraud . Occa siona lly, you will
find copies of these among the items seized during
execution of a search w arrant at a fraudster’s
BULLET IN 11office. A number of g ood reference m aterials are
publicly-available relating to these schemes,
including P
NSTRUMENTS FRAUD issued by the SEC in 1998.Two others are P
HE FRAUD OF THE CENTURY), prep ared in1996 by the ICC Commercial Crime Bureau, and
HE MYTH OF PRIME BANK INVESTMENT SCAMS,by Professor James Byrne of the Institute of
International Banking Law & Practice, George
Mason Un iversity L aw Sc hool.
Prime ban k frau d first a ppea red in th e early
1990 's, wan ed somewhat in th e mid 1990 's in
response to aggressive enforcement actions and
media coverage, then reemerged as a significant
problem in the late 1990's. At present, over one
hundred pending federal criminal investigations
involve prime bank fraud. In addition, the
Securities and Exchange Commission and various
state law enforcement agencies have a number of
active investigations. Moreover, as the problem
has become worldwide, more foreign law
enforcement agencies, particularly in Englishspeaking
countries, have actively investigated and
prosecuted this type of fraud.
The purpose of this article is primarily twofold:
fir st, to aler t reade rs to the existen ce of th is
particular type of fraudulent scheme, and second,
to offer some suggestions for investigating a
prime bank scheme.
II. Common characteristics of the scheme
"Prime bank" schemes — "prime bank
instrument" schemes, "high yield trading
prog rams " or "ro ll programs "— a re ess entially
Ponzi schemes, in which the perpetrators claim
exists a secret trading market among the world’s
top ba nks o r "prim e ban ks." Pe rpetra tors cla im to
have unique access to this secret market. The
"top" or "prime" banks purportedly trade some
form of bank security such as bank guarantees,
notes, or debentures. These instruments can
supp osed ly be b ough t at a disc ount a nd so ld at a
premium, yielding greater than market returns
with no risk. In reality, no such market exists.
Furthermore, high-yield "prime bank notes," as
describ ed by th ese per petrators , do not ex ist.
They often claim that there are only a few
"traders" or "master comm itment holders" who are
authorized to trade in these securities and that the
secu rities m ust be traded in large block s, typic ally
million s of do llars or more . Prom oters te ll
poten tial inve stors th at they have specia l acces s to
a tradin g program , and th at by p ooling their
money with that of other investors, they can
particip ate in th e prog ram. P romo ters als o tell
investors that the programs participate in some
humanitarian cause and that they are giving the
investors a special opportunity to participate in the
program, but only if they agree to give a share of
the profits to the cause. They also typically require
investors to execute a "non-disclosure" and "noncircumvention
agreem ent" because , as they are
told, banks and regulatory agencies will deny the
existenc e of these trading p rogram s.
III. Case law involving prime bank schemes
Over the past few years, a number of reported
decisions affirmed convictions of prime bank
schemers. For example, this past summer the
Four th Circ uit affirm ed de fend ants’ c onvic tions in
United S tates v. Bo llin,
264 F.3d 391 (4th C ir.2001), for conspiracy, wire fraud and money
laundering. As described by the Court of Appeals:
This case arose out of a wide-ranging
investment fraud scheme, carried out by a
network of conspirators, who bilked millions
of dollars from investors across the country.
The investments were programs that promised
enormous profits, supposedly derived from
secret trading in debentures issued by
Europ ean "pr ime" ba nks.
The programs involved supposed trading of
European "prime bank" debentures and
prom ised v ery hig h rates of retu rn with little
or no risk to investo rs. Acc ording to the ...
literature that they distributed, the programs
were available on a limited basis to groups of
investors whose money would be pooled and
delivered to a "prime" bank. The investment
principal was supposedly secured by a bank
guarantee and, therefore, was never at risk.
Millions of dollars in profits were to be
generated within a few months from the
trading of debentures. For example, one
prog ram ... offer ed a p rofit of $73,0 00,00 0 in
ten months, based on an investment of
at 399-400.In
United States v. Polichemi, 201 F.3d 858,aff’d on rehearing
, 219 F.3d 698 (7th Cir. 2000 ),defendants defrauded nearly thirty investors out of
more than $15 million by marketing "prime bank
instrum ents," w hich th ey de scribe d as m ultimillion-
dollar letters of credit issued by the top
fifty or one-hundred banks in the world. As the
Seventh Circuit explained, defendants
told their victims that they could purchase
these instruments at a discount and then
resell them to other institutions at face
value; the difference in price represented
the pro fits that w ould g o to the defen dants
and their "investors." This was nothing
more than a song and dance: the trades
were fictional; there was no market for the
trading of letters of credit; and nothing
capable of generating profits ever
occurred. Somehow, notwithstanding the
implausibility of "prime bank
instruments" to one familiar with normal
business practice for letters of credit, they
managed to persuade their victims to give
them money to finance the purchase of
phan tom d iscou nted in strum ents. W hile
this did not earn a cent for any of the
investors, it definitely changed the
defendants’own lifestyles.
. at 859 -860 . Amo ng tho se con victed inPolichemi
were attorneys, salespeople, anindividual who acted as a reference, and
, who claimed to be one of the fewpeople in the world with a license to trade prime
bank s ecurities.
In a relate d case,
United States v. Lauer, 148F.3d 766 (7th Cir. 1998), Lauer, the administrator
of an e mplo yee p ensio n fun d, plea d guilty to
diverting millions of dollars to the prime bank
scheme prosecuted in the
Polichemi case. Inrejecting Lauer’s appeal on the loss calculation for
sente ncing purp oses, th e Sev enth C ircuit up held
the trial court’s use of an intended loss figure,
rather tha n a lowe r actual los s amo unt.
In anoth er recen t case,
S.E.C. v. Lauer, 52F.3d 667, 670 (7th Cir. 1995), Chief Judge Posner
Prime Bank Instruments do not exist. So
even if [a co -sche mer] had s ucce eded in
raising mon ey fro m ad ditiona l inves tors, it
would not have pooled their money to buy
Prime Bank Instruments. It would either
have pocketed all of the money, or, if what
its masterminds had in mind was a Ponzi
scheme, have pocketed most of the money
and paid the rest to the investors to fool
them into thinking they were making
money and should therefore invest more
(or tell their friends to invest).
United States v. Richards, 204 F.3d 177(5th C ir. 200 0), the Fifth C ircuit up held
defendants’ convictions for conspiracy, wire fraud,
mail fraud and interstate transportation of stolen
property. At trial, the government presented the
follow ing ev idenc e desc ribing how defen dants
induced participants to invest in a "roll program":
Poten tial inve stors w ere told that the ir
money would be pooled with that of other
inves tors an d use d to bu y letters of cre dit.
The letters of credit would be "rolled"--
sold, re purc hase d, and resold -- to
European banks frequently and repeatedly.
Each "roll" w ould g enera te a larg e prof it
to be d istribute d am ong th e inve stors, in
proportion to their investment. The
inves tors w ere told that the ir fund s wou ld
be safe at all times, held either in an
account at a nationally-known brokerage
firm or invested with a "prime" or "top
50" international bank. Investors were also
told that they would receive at least the
return of their initial inv estme nt, with
interest, and would likely make substantial
profit. In fact, the defendants took the
invested funds for their own use, bought
no lette rs of c redit, an d, exc ept for a sma ll
payment to one participant, returned no
money to the investors.
. at 185.In
United States v. Rude, 88 F.3d 1538, 1548(9th C ir. 199 6), de fend ants w ere ch arged with
engaging in a prime bank scheme. In affirming
their convictions, the Court of Appeals found,
among other things, that the government had
proved beyon d a reasonable doub t "that the very
BULLET IN 13notion of a ‘prime bank note’ was fictitious," and
cited other evidence that the term "prime bank"
was not used in the financial industry "and was
commonly associated with fraud schem es."
Id. at1545.
Stokes v. United States, No. 97-1627, 2001WL 29997, at *1 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 9, 200 1),
defendant was co nvicted of conspiracy, wire
fraud , mon ey lau nder ing an d inters tate
transportation of fraudulently obtained money.
Defendant claimed that "through various personal
conn ection s in the b ankin g indu stry, he could
purchase and sell 'prime bank guarantees' or
letters of credit and make a substantial profit in a
short pe riod of tim e, with no risk to the in vestor."
As is typical in these kinds of cases, the defendant
attempted, unsuccessfully, to portray himself as a
victim, as someone unwittingly conned by coconspirators
to carry out the fraud.
A number of other criminal cases involving
prime b ank sch emes have a lso been reported .
Seee.g., United States v. Wonderly,
70 F.3 d 102 0 (8thCir. 19 95);
United States v. Hand, No. 95-8007,1995 W L 743841 (10 th Cir. Dec. 15, 1995);
United States v. Aggarwal
, 17 F.3d 737 (5th Cir.1994 );
Unite d State s v. Gr avatt, No. 90-6572,1991 W L 278979 (6th C ir. Dec. 27, 1991);
United States v. Lewis,
786 F.2d 1278 (5th Cir.1986 ). The re are also a number of re porte d civil
cases b rough t by the S.E .C.
See, e.g. S.E.C. v.Milan C apital Gr oup, In c.,
No. 00 Civ. 108(DLC), 2000 WL 1682761 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 9,
2000 );
S.E.C. v . Kenton Capital, L td., 69 F.Supp .2d 1 (D.D.C. 19 98); S .E.C. v . Infinity
Group., 993 F . Supp. 3 24 (E.D . Pa. 199 8),
aff'd,212 F .3d 18 0 (3d Cir. 20 00);
S.E.C. v. Deyon, 977F. Sup p. 510 (D. M e 199 7);
S.E.C. v. Bremont,954 F. Supp. 726 (S.D.N.Y. 1997).
Assis tant U. S. Atto rney Mich ael Schwartz in
Houston prepared an excellent memorandum
titled "United States’ Memorandum of Law
Concerning Fraudulent High-Yield or
International ‘Prime Bank’ Financial Instrument
Schemes," a copy of which can be obtained from
either h im or th e Frau d Sec tion. A ppro priately
modified versions of this memorandum can not
only be used to educate your trial judge on the
legality of such schemes, but also excerpted for
use in search warrant affidavits.
IV. First steps
While the particular facts presented in each
case w ill obvio usly d ictate w hich s teps y ou sh ould
first take in investigating a prime bank or high
yield investment program (HYIP) scheme, we
have found the following to be generally very
usefu l:
Check subject’s background: Chec k tosee if the subject has a criminal record, or
if his name appears anywhere in FBI
indices. Check with other agencies as
well, since these types of investigations
are handled not only by the FBI, but also
by Customs, Secret Service, IRS-CID, or
the Postal Inspection Service. Many prime
bank scammers are career cons who have
been previously convicted of fraud. Prime
bank scam mers also se em to opera te
within an extensive network, using each
other to brok er or s olicit inv estme nts in
particular HYIP schemes, to backstop
some fraudulent claim, or to help create a
"plausible deniability" defense. Therefore,
your subje ct ma y hav e bee n interv iewed in
the past by an agent in another matter and
made statem ents th at cou ld pro ve us eful in
your case. I f you are fo rtuna te, you will
find that an agent expressly put your
subject on notice in the past as to the
fraudulent nature of prime bank trading
prog rams . Such notice wou ld sub stantially
aid yo ur eff orts in e stablish ing probab le
caus e for a searc h wa rrant a nd ge nerally in
prov ing the subje ct’s fra udule nt inten t.
Contact the Securities and ExchangeCommission:
The S EC a ctivelyinvestigates and prosecutes prime bank
fraud as securities fraud. Your subject may
be, or has been, involved in a SEC
inves tigation . If so, th is wou ld also help
build probable cause for an eventual
search warrant, and pro ve intent at trial. If
the SE C has not inv estiga ted yo ur sub ject,
you should consider asking them to do so.
Contact either your regional SEC office or
Brian Ochs, Assistant Director, Division
of En forcement, SEC at (202 ) 942 -474 0 in
Washington , D.C. (
Contact Jim Kramer-W ilt and BillKerr:
Jim K rame r-Wilt is an atto rney inthe Treasury Department’s Bureau of
Public Debt and has taken a very active
role in attempting to expose and combat
prime bank fraud. He has compiled an
extensive database on known and
susp ected prime bank scam mers and w ill
readily share with you the database, as
well as other u seful m aterials . In all
likelihood he will have, or can get, some
background information about your
subject. He may be reached at (304) 480-
8690. Bill Kerr, with the Enforcement and
Compliance Division, Office of the
Comptroller of Currency, may also
provide some valuable information about
your subject, particularly if a bank has
filed a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)
with the OCC, or has otherwise made an
informal inquiry to the OCC or Federal
Reserve about a particular financial
transa ction o r inves tmen t. His number is
(202) 874-4450.
Locate subject’s bank accounts and/orassets:
These cases typically involvemillions of dollars of victims’ funds, and
are of ten dire cted a t wealth y indiv iduals
or institutions, with minimum investment
levels (e.g., $25,000) and representations
that "trades" can not be entered until $100
million has been pooled. Although
offsh ore ac coun ts are fr eque ntly us ed in
these schemes, surprisingly enough, you
will often find that the subject still has
large sums on deposit in accounts at
Unite d State s ban ks un der his contro l.
This may be because he has not yet
transferred the funds offshore, or perhaps
because, as part of his scheme, the funds
are being maintained in an alleged trust
account so he can as sume the persona of a
well fin ance d inve stmen t man ager w ith
the ba nk em ploye es. At a ny rate , to loca te
the ac coun ts is imp ortan t, in ord er to
determine the scope and nature of the
fraud , as we ll as pre pare f or ultim ate
seizure of the funds. A subject’s account
can usually be identified by asking a
victim for the wiring instructions that he
received from the subject. Accounts can
also be located through other means,
including mail drops, trash runs, the
clearing process of a victim’s check, and
grand jury subpoenas. Of course, the
likelihood that the subject has used more
than one account is high. In determining
whether to s eize th e acc ount, in form ally
conta ct the fin ancia l institutio n’s se curity
office r to get a roug h idea of how mu ch is
in the a ccou nt.
Consider initiating a proactiveapproach:
The m ost diff icult element toprove in a prime bank case, as with most
investmen t fraud s, is frau dulen t intent.
The most com mon defense is, "I didn’t
know those trading prog rams didn’ t exist.
I believed Mr. X when he told me they
did." Therefore, it is important at the start
of an in vestig ation to plan h ow to
overcome this defense. The FBI has
developed a number of different proactive
appr oach es that h ave p rove n suc cessf ul in
estab lishing the req uisite inte nt that w ill
substantially assist you in prosecuting
your case. Indeed, in most instances, the
defendant will enter a plea after being
confronted with such evidence. For one
successful prosecution resulting from a
sting operation, see
United States v.Klisser
, 190 F.3 d 34 (2 d Cir. 19 99).•
Execute search and seizure warran ts:As so on as you h ave b een a ble to
determine the nature and scope of the
fraud, you should consider applying for
search and seiz ure wa rrants.
Victim questionnaires: Many of thesecases involve hundreds, if not thousands,
of potential victims. Questionnaires sent
out to victims have proven to be an
excellent way to quickly collect evidence,
including witness statements and
documents, which you can then review for
possible in-depth interviews later.
Obviously, this should be done only once
the existence of the investigation becomes
public. Questionnaires are also a good
way to gauge the degree of cooperation
you can expect to receive from victims,
BULLET IN 15who oftentimes in these Ponzi type
schemes do not feel "victimized". (See
Section VII below).
V. Pssst... here are a few good "tips"
Identifying the existence of a prime bank
investment scheme is clearly easier than
determ ining th e scop e of the schem e, or try ing to
explain to a jury precisely what is meant by (or
supposedly meant by) such terms as "prime bank
discounted negotiable debenture" or "World Bank
high-yield humanitarian trading program." The
following tips will hopefully help you build and
prove a case.
Keep it sim ple: Once you determine thetarget or targets, focus your investigative
efforts on building the strongest case
against them without trying to uncover
every transaction or proving every illegal
act they may have committed. First, as a
practical matter, you simply can not
include every transaction. These schemes
are often quite broad in scope and can
often meld into other investment schemes.
Stay focused on the heart of the case you
are de velop ing. A ttemp ting to b e allinclusive
can be a waste of time and
resources. By focusing on the key
transactions, you can present a case that
the average juror will understand. Second,
you need not include eac h and every
victim. More than likely, the majority of
the scheme can be proven through a
handful of victims. Use your best
witnesses. Often these are people who
retained investment contracts they
executed with the targets or who
remember specific misrepresentations.
The details regarding the other victims
can be saved for the sentencing phase.
Third, you need not endeavor to disprove
the m yriad of mis repre senta tions m ade to
the victims. Prime bank schemes are often
based on a series of misrepresentations
that seem, at least to the investors at the
time, to have some basis in reality. You
are better off focusing on the material
misrepresentations that establish the
nature of the scheme than disproving each
of the various ancillary
misrepresentations. Proving that the
subject did not invest investor funds, but
instea d spe nt for h is pers onal b enefit, is
easier than disproving a tale about the
World Bank, the IMF, or the yield on
prime bank notes from an emerging
nation. In short, do not argue on the
defendant’s terms. Just show that the
defendant did not invest the money as
Get a financial analyst assigned to thematter
: Reac hing o ut and utilizing the fullrange of tools available to a prosecutor
can go a long way towards turning an
investigation into a prosecutable case.
Having an FBI Financial Analyst (FA)
assigned early in the investigation can
help in a number of ways. First, an FA can
review the pages and pages of bank
records and determine how the subject
transf erred , conc ealed and e ventu ally
spent the victim’s invested funds. Second,
in many of these cases, che cks and wire
transfers go back and forth between the
accounts of targets, investor-victims, and
brokers who bring victims into the
scheme. A thorough review by an FA can
help determine who’s who. Further, an
early r eview will mo st likely u nearth
additional victims, either because they
sent funds into a target’s account or
beca use th ey rec eived lulling payments
from the target's accounts. Interviews of
these witnesses may yield additional
counts of fraud and money laundering
pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 1956 (lulling
payments) and 1957 (spending of
proceeds from a "specified unlawful
activity"). Third, the FA will generally be
able to identify additio nal ba nk ac coun ts
into which the subject is secreting
proceeds. Such information will provide
additional accounts to subpoena, including
foreign accounts of which you may not
have known. Identifying the foreign
accounts as early as possible is important
because of the time involved in attempting
to obtain that information.
Get M LATs out e arly: If you anticip ate16 UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS'
BULLET IN MARCH 2002needing evidence from abroad, you
should contact the Office of International
Affairs (OIA) in Washington, D.C. at
(202) 514-0000 to initiate the steps
necessary to obtain such information. The
United States has Mutual Legal
Assistance Treaties (MLAT) with many
nations, establishing a framework for
obtaining evidence from another country.
For those countries with which we have
no MLAT in force, OIA can advise you
on the appro priate m eans by w hich to
obtain the requested information. OIA
will provide you with a format-request for
your particu lar cou ntry, w hich y ou w ill
need to complete and return to OIA.
MLATs can b e used to obta in
authenticated foreign documents and
testimony abroad, execute search
warra nts, and s eize fun ds.
Get started soon:Once OIA has forwarded your request on
to the foreign country, the requested
evidence can take months to arrive. As
discussed above, ban k security officers
can often tell you if an account is active
and if th ere ar e fund s in the a ccou nt.
Obtaining this information through
inform al cha nnels can h elp de termin e if
you need to wait for a response to an
MLAT request. In the meantime, you may
receive the collateral benefit of
enco urag ing the foreig n auth orities to
open their own investigation, which may
later provide you with an invaluable level
of cooperation.
Don’t go it alone: Coor dinatin g withother agen cies ca n sav e time a nd eff ort.
While you must be mindful of the nondisclosure
obligations of Rule 6(e),
working with the SEC, IRS, NASD, and
other federal and state regulatory agencies
can save a great deal of time. These
agencies and regulators may have
investigations underway and may have
collected useful information about your
targets as well as potential victims. Often
victim s com plain to the SE C or th eir
particu lar state regula tor, an d, as a r esult,
civil enforcement actions may already be
underway. W orking with the regulators
and o ther ar ms of law e nforcement is
always preferable to working at cross
purposes. Additionally, civil cases may
already be in the works. Not knowing the
full sco pe of th e scam , victim s often retain
lawyers to pursue civil claims for breach
of contact. These civil attorneys can also
be a useful source of information. Finally,
requesting information from FinCEN and
the IR S ma y also prov e to be usefu l.
Helpful websites: A number of websitescan be consulted in investigating a prime
bank schem e. Two of the mo st useful are
the Treasury Dep artment’s
www.treasurys and the SEC’s
divisio ns/en force /prime bank .shtm l, both
of which list numerous other very helpful
Don’t reinvent anything: More thanlikely, the target is operating in a similar,
if not identical, manner to that of a
number of other prime bank scammers.
Consulting with other prosecutors who
have handled these types of cases may
save you time and effort. Furthermore,
these prose cutor s can p rovid e you with
materials such as sample indictments and
search warrant affidavits. The Fraud
Section, Criminal Division, in Washington
D.C., (202) 514-7045, also has some
guidan ce ma terials.
VI. Countering defenses - "It wasn’t me"
Echo ing the lyrics o f a rec ent reg gae-p op hit,
when caught red-handed, even on camera,
defend ants will of ten claim simply "I t wasn’ t me."
The participants and funds of a particular prime
bank schemes are often intertwined with other
schemes. For the target or targets to send funds
back and forth to other brokers or "traders" who
are running similar scheme s either in this country
or offshore is not uncommon. Those brokers or
traders often return the favor. The precise reason
for the se inter ming led tran sactio ns is no t entirely
clear, b ut it doe s mak e tracin g fun ds more dif ficult
and sometimes gives defendants a built-in defense.
BULLET IN 17Defendants m ay claim that they sent an investor’s
money to Mr. X on the Isle of Man, and thus, like
everyo ne else, w ere foo led by M r. X,
i.e., "itwasn’t me."
On March 15, 2001, in a case prosecuted by
AUSA Linda M. Betzer of the Northern District
of Ohio and Fraud Section Trial Attorney Glen G.
McGorty of the U.S. Department of Justice,
defendants Geoffrey P. Benson, Susan L. Benson
and Geoffrey J. O’Connor were found guilty of
twenty-one counts including conspiracy, mail and
wire fraud, and tax evasion. Th e defendants were
the former operators of The Infinity Group
Company ("TIGC "), whic h collecte d over $ 26.6
million from over 4,400 victim investors across
the country over a one and one-half year period.
Through their
Financial Resources newsletter, thedefendants prom ised investors up to 181% return
on their money, depending on the principal
invested. The defendants claimed successful
investment experience and business associations
with individuals providing access to prime bank
programs "ordinarily unavailable to the individual
investor." The defendants promised the victims
that their money would be pooled to purchase
"prime bank instruments" in the European market
with high guaranteed rates of return.
In reality, the defendants sold no product and
offered no service. They had no investment
expe rience , nor d id they have any s ucce ss with
"prime bank investm ent" programs in Eu rope. In
typica l Ponz i/pyra mid sc heme fash ion, the y paid
some investors in TIGC’s "Asset Enhancement
Program" with money collected from new
investors, but the great majority of victims never
received any money back from TIGC. In 1997 the
State of Ohio, Department of Commerce, Division
of Securities, and the federal Securities and
Exchange Commission halted the TIGC
operations, resulting in a court-ordered injunction
of TIGC’s sales activities. Of the $26 million
collected by the defendants, a court-appointed
trustee and forensic accountant collected almost
$12 m illion in a ssets, w hich w as sub sequ ently
return ed to th e victim s. The allege d inve stmen ts
yielded no profits for the investors for over a year
and a half, though TIGC allegedly sent
approximately $11 million out of the $26 million
to "investment programs" run by Geoffrey
Benson’s associates located around the world.
Thou gh the defen dants did no t testify a t trial,
their attorneys argued through government
witne sses a nd ex hibits th at the $11 m illion sen t to
these prog rams was e viden ce tha t the de fend ants
believed the money they solicited from the
investors was being invested in the prime bank
prog rams they promo ted in th e new sletters . This
defense attempted to convince the jury that the
defendants were themselves victimized by
Bens on’s a ssocia tes and that the y we re actin g in
good faith in operating TIGC’s Asset
Enha ncem ent Pr ogram. To refute this argument,
the go vernment dem onstra ted tha t the on ly asse ts
the defendants enhanc ed were their own. A s part
of its case, the government called several exp ert
witnesses, including an expert on international
banking, who testified that the prime bank
instruments and programs promoted by the
defendants do not exist. The government
highlighted the fact that only part of the received
funds were invested, while the balance was placed
in off- shore bank acco unts o r used by de fend ants
to purchase an eighty-six acre plot of lakefront
property, build a multi-million dollar home, and
pay for many personal expenses. The
government’s fraud case focused on the
misrepresentations contained in the
newsletters. In these monthly mailings,the de fend ants n ot only lured in vesto rs with
guarantees of high returns, but also lulled them by
claiming successful investments and even starting
a grant program us ing the "profits" of the trust’s
investments abroad. Over the period of the Asset
Enhancement Program, TIGC’s alleged $11
million investments yielded no profits — a clear
inconsistency with what TIGC told its investors.
The governm ent succeeded in conv incing the jury
to focus on these lies and to understand that TIGC
never intended any monies sent to its business
associates to return a profit, but rather only to be
hidden from a ny futur e investig ating auth ority.
The jury found that the defendants were not
victim s as the y claim ed, bu t were guilty o n all
charg ed co unts. G eoffr ey Be nson was u ltimate ly
sente nced to 360 mon ths' inc arcer ation, w hile
Susan Benso n and Geoffrey O'Connor eac h were
BULLET IN MARCH 2002sentenced to 121 m onths' incarceration. All were
ordered, jointly and severally, to pay $12,975,341
in restitution. All of the sentences reflected
guideline enhancements for a fraud loss of over
$20 million, more than minimal planning, mass
marketing, violation of a judicial order, use of
sophisticated means, and obstruction. Geoffrey
Benson's sentence also reflected enhancements for
his leadership role, an offense affecting a financial
institutio n, and abus e of a p osition of trus t.
Defeating this defense and proving intent can
be accomplished in a number of ways. First, one
of the proactive approaches discussed above can
be used. After a target is put on notice by the
government that prime bank trading programs do
not exist and that claims to the contrary would be
false, s ubse quen t involvement by th e targe t wou ld
not surv ive the "I too was du ped de fense."
Seco nd, circumstantial e viden ce ca n be u sed to
establish intent. In most cases, an analysis by the
FA will be able to show that a majority of
investors’ money did not go directly to the socalled
"bigge r fish," b ut instead w ent to a ccou nts
controlled by the target(s). Moreover, the amount
of money sent to these other traders/brokers, the
so-called "bigger fish," rarely coincides with the
amounts in veste d. The lulling payments se nt to
other investors as interest also demonstrate intent
since the fraudster misrepresents the true source of
i.e., fellow investors. Intent can also becircumstantially proven through evidence of the
defendant’s conscious avoidance of various
indicia of fraud or red flags associated with prime
bank schemes. Third, experts can help show that
the representations made to investor/victims were
false o n their f ace a nd tha t the ling o use d to
induce investors was made from whole cloth.
United States v. Robinson
, No. 98 CR 167 OLC,2000 W L 65239 (S.D .N.Y. Jan. 26, 2000),
contains a discussion of the use of an expert in a
prime b ank ca se.
Among government officials who have
testified as experts in such cases are James
Kramer-Wilt (Department of Treasury, Bureau of
Public Debt (304) 480-8690); Bill Kerr (Office of
the Comptroller of Curren cy (202) 874-44 50);
Herb Biern and Richard Small (Federal Reserve
Board (202) 452-5235). There are also a number
of priv ate pe rsons who prov ide ex pert tes timon y in
these ca ses,
e.g., John Shockey (retired OCCofficial (703) 532-0943); Professor James Byrne
(George Mason University Law School (301) 977-
4035); and Arthur Lloyd (retired Citibank senior
counsel (802) 253-4788). In addition, Jennifer
Lester of the International Monetary Fund (202)
623-7130 and Andrew Kircher of the World Bank
(202) 473-6313 may be able to provide assistance.
VII. Dealing with uncooperative victims
Unlike victims of some other crimes, victims
of prime bank schemes often do not know or want
to believe that they have been scammed. Often
fraudsters have told them up front not to believe
the government. Some prime bank
victim /inves tors m ay, at le ast initially , refus e to
coope rate with a gents or prosec utors.
Many victim/in vestors are "true b elievers,"
who have receiv ed "inte rest payments" in a timely
fashion and are often talked into "rolling over" or
"reinvesting" their principal. While much of the
principal has been secreted aw ay by the fraudster,
true be lievers rema in con vince d (or w ant to
remained convinced) that the "high yield prime
bank market" does exist and that their proverbial
ship has come in. This belief, coupled with the
non- disclo sure, s ecret n ature o f the inv estme nt,
prevents them from cooperating with the
investigation, their reasoning being: "why risk
breaching the non-disclosure provision of the
contract by talking to the governmen t when I’m
getting paid?"
Most investors have been told that the
government will deny the existence of the
"programs," and that speaking to an FBI agent or
other government agent will jeopardize the success
of the secret programs, as well as bar them from
any future opportunity to invest in these trading
progra ms.
However, some investors may recognize the
Ponzi scheme but want it to continue for just a few
more payment periods so they can get their money
back. These investors have little interest in seeing
a speedy investigation and wo uld rather be left
alone so that they can get their money o ut before
the roof caves in.
Dealing with each of these types o f investors
BULLET IN 19can be difficult. However, being forewarned that
you may encounter some of them will allow you
to plan ahead. In our experience, a few low key
meetings or phone calls from the agent will allow
at least the first two categories of witnesses time
to com e to grip s with r eality. If they re main
unco oper ative, s imply mov e on a nd co ncen trate
on counts centered around more helpful witnesses.
VIII. Conclusion
Over the past decade, prime bank schemes
have proven to be an incredibly durable form of
Ponzi scheme by being able to adapt to changing
conditions and obstacles. We can expect the
scheme to continue to m orph into whatever form
necessary in an attempt to lure victims and evade
detection. A vigorous and coordinated effort on
the part of federal and state law enforcement and
regulato ry agen cies is clea rly need ed.
Joel E. Leising is a Senior Trial Attorney in theFraud Section of the Criminal Division. He has
investigated and prosecuted a number of prime
bank cases in the past. He is a member of the
Steering Committee of the Combating Prime Bank
and Hi-Yield Investment Fraud Seminar of George
Mason University Law School, and has been a
speaker at the Seminar’s annual meetings.
Michael McGarry has b een a trial attor ney inthe Fraud Section of the Criminal Division since
2000. His casework includes matters involving
"Prim e Ban k" or "H igh Y ield Ins trume nt"
investment schemes. Prior to joining the
Departme nt, M r. Mc Garr y wo rked in priva te
practice in the New York office of Fried Frank
Harris Shriver & Jacobson for five years where he
worked on large white collar criminal and
regulator matters. Mr. McGarry has written
articles published in newspapers and journals on
money laundering regulation and procurement
aProsecuting Corporations: The
Federal Principles and Corporate
Compliance Programs
Philip Urofsky
Senior Trial Attorney
Fraud Section
Increasingly prosecutors m ust decide whether,
in specific cases, a corporation should be
prose cuted for crim es com mitted by on e of its
officers, employees, or agents. Since 1999, the
Principles of Federal Prosecutionof Corporations
have provided a framework formaking this decision and hav e identified factors
relevant to the determination. In the end, howeve r,
as in every criminal case, the essential question
remains: should
this corporation be prosecuted forthis
cond uct?I. Corporate cr iminal liability
Every law student learns early on of the
concept known as the "legal person,"
i.e.,corp oratio ns. In la w sch ool, w e are ta ught th at to
have a legal personality means that a corporation
can be served w ith process and sued for tort
damages and in contract disputes, and that the
corporate form protects individual shareholders,
including other legal persons, from liability except
in those limited circumstances in which the
"corporate veil" can be pierced. H owever, there
was little discussion as to what the consequences