Rochester WorkForce Organizer

Now you can access the WorkForce Organizer from home, just like in the Resource Room.

1. Job Search 2. Resume, Cover letter, & Interviewing Info 3. Career & Training Tools 4. Disability Resources
5. Newspapers/Classifieds 6. Info for Employers 7. Misc. Job Search and Internet Tools 8. Education
9. WorkForce Center Sites 10. On-Line Job Search Services 11. Local (Rochester, MN) Companies 12. Employment Agencies
13. N/A 14. Career Exploration 15. Community of Rochester

Follow the links above to find information about the listed topic.

Click HERE for a complete list of links

If you have problems, questions, or suggestions, please contact the webmaster.

Domestic Abuse Information
Where to go to get help and advice in Minnesota

Domestic Violence Information
Minnesota Center Against Violence
Domestic Abuse Centers

Read more from the webmaster

last updated January, 2002