South Asian Food Site

Site down for final addition of all bells and whistles and spices
Links to other pages too

Sheesh, sorry for the delay. My files got corrupted. Restarting this whole thing.

Shout out to Bhindi, thumsup & patelbhai. You rock

This is being tested. Please email with errors

Welcome to the South Asian Food Site

Ever been curious how South Asian food tastes? Ever gone to a restaurant and wanted to make the same mouth-watering food at home? Then this is the place for you.
This site hosts the South Asian Food Site. It has a collection of recepies from the reigion of space called South Asia. This consists of the countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Even though part of China is in South Asia, I have not included any native Chinese recepies here since they are more commonly available on Chinese pages.

Well enough talk already. This site does not have any fancy bells and whistles like other pages with VRML, JAVA and ActiveX. I prefer to use my alloted space to store Recepies.



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Created by Vijay Chandra. Last updated on May, 1997.
Copyleft by VC-TECH. (feel free to copy)