***Welcome to my Web World***

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I just updated (1-11-04) so go exploring and see what's new.

Click on one of the following catagories to start your adventure.
My Brag Page
An amazing list of my academic achievements (updated 5-25-01)
(Added 99)
A small, but soon to be awesome questionaire done in it's entirety by beth_b. (updated 5-25-01)
Quote archive
Want to see an old favorite or try a few that you missed? This is the place to go.
Lots of Food
A small sampling for the cooking enthusiast.(new recipes will be added soon)
Lots of pictures for you to browse through.(CAUTION: under construction)
Just what it sounds like.
Current Events
Latest updates about stuff i find profoundly important.
Campus Life
This college student's journey of discovery.
Surfing the Web
An amazing variety of homepages and commercial web sites.
All kinds of jokes for your laughing pleasure.
Food Links
Links to websites that are food related
Reviews on everything, tips on good movies, the latest trends in all kinds areas....
Ahh... the places i've been as well as the places i hope to go.
have a weird side you want to explore? this should get you started.
Name this space
Contest for anyone who has too much free time on their hands.

Oh, by the way, I am always on the look-out for freebies so if you know of a good deal
or an amazing web site that lists them let me know!!!

If you have any information that you feel is vital for me to learn,
or just want to say


Then please feel free to email me.
or if you prefer the scenic route, try my "survey" and while you're here DO NOT FORGET to sign my "guestbook".


FAMOUS QUOTES (remember wisdom comes to us in different ways)

(The following quotes remind us of the perils of judging others.)

"Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all."

"Judge not, that ye be not judged."

"Four things belong to a judge: to hear courteously, to answer wisely, to consider soberly, and to decide impartially."

"It is better that a judge should lean on the side of compassion than severity."


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