Apparently, the rumors floating around the net a few months back that U2's next album was going to be a more organic or folk-based endeavor were wrong.
This conclusion is based on an interview I found here, containing the full text of a phone interview that some guy going by the alias of MLK got from an anonymous information-leaker at Island Records. The new album is said to have a strong industrial fell with an emphasis on heavy beats. U2 were reported to be moving well ahead of schedule and to have "a good feel" about the new album. (This site is no longer up. Apparently, the Info-Gestapo got their hands on it. The Insect-God Profit doesn't appreciate it when forays are made into his domain.)
I copied only an excerpt of the text of the interview for my own use and this is what appears below.
"...After further probing, this intervewer [sic] was able to pry out some information about the upcoming record's track listing. 'Well, Gastro is the title of the first track on the record. It's an edgy fast-beat tune in the spirit of "Zoo Station". The "Theme from 'The Million Dollar Hotel'" will be on there, as well, but there is still no final word on soundtrack tie-ins for the movie. Another track is "Sunset in Colors". This song has been around for a long time, and actually showed up during the 'Achtung Baby' working sessions. It is quite different in its current version. The only commonality is the central role played by the Edge's guitar. Another track is "Last Days" this is a very rough-edged song. It opens with the Edge playing very ethereal chords. Big chords. Lots of reverb. It's then broken by Adam's fast moving bass line and Larry's pounding drums. Larry makes use of double bass drums on this song to good effect.'"
The article went on to say that the upcoming single, "Ground Beneath Her Feet" isn't currently slated to appear on the album.