
The Dustbin

scan of tape Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Richard Bach

I seemed to remember this guy's name on a list of literary award winners somewhere, so I figured it would be a good risk. I don't know who found anything awardable in it -- it's pure saccharine! This is the story of a special seagull who breaks away from the flock so he can learn how to really fly. Ignoring the mockery of his peers and censure of the flock's leaders, J.L. Seagull practices day and night to master aerial acrobatics and high speed. You'll be thrilled to the point of catatonia as he takes on risk after risk, unraveling life's mysteries with the help of a Chinese(?) seagull, and ultimately discovering "the meaning of Kindness." If this is too sweet for you, try a bowl of syrup.
read giddily by the author
borrows transparently from eastern mysticism, the New Testament, and Mr. Rogers
STORY *       

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22 August 1997 back to text 1