Ingredients for Ulster breads ...

Most bread originating in the northern part of Ireland is made with two key ingredients, i.e. buttermilk and soda bread flour. However, these ingredients are not always available in other parts of the world. To that end I have suggested ways to simulate these:

Soda Bread flour
The soda bread flour sold in Ulster is simply strong flour with baking soda added. Use strong plain flour (or all purpose flour) and add approximately 1 level teaspoon of baking soda per Cup.

Buttermilk is literally the milk left in the churn after making butter ! I am led to believe this is widely available in Canada, but for US residents I can only describe it as a very thin natural yogurt. To simulate this for baking, add 1 teaspoon full of vinegar to 1 pint of milk, and let it sit for a few hours. Another plan may be to dissolve a small tub of natural yogurt in skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, but I've never tried this, and it may not work !

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