Hazel's Neighborhood Icons

Silicon Valley-Yosemite/Trails

Rev. 06-Feb-1998 Chaz Boston Baden hazel@ddb.com

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Back: Hazel's Neighborhood Icons, Area 51 - Rodeo Drive

If your page isn't on GeoCities, please copy these to your own server instead of referencing them here!

GeoCities asks that every free page have a link back to their official pages. If you'd like an interesting alternative to the stock "GeoCities" icons to use for this, this is the place to come. If you have an icon to contribute, write me and tell me where it is. If you would prefer it copied over here, let me know.

Some of the source material for these icons came from The Iconoweb.

Links to specific Neighborhoods

Note: If you use "VIEW SOURCE" on your browser, you can cut and paste the HTML directly from here onto your page. This can be handy especially for the Neighborhood Block icons, where the HTML is more involved (the URL is more complicated).

width=88 height=31

Note: The "wooden" SoHo icon is by Richard Carlson of SoHo/Lofts. The Times Square icon with the blue planet was based in part on work by Mat of the Mario Kart 64 HQ. The new Yosemite icon was e-mailed to me by Pat Weitzel. FagBoy made the West Hollywood icon. I did the others. On request, I'll be happy to make an icon specific to your Neighborhood Block.
(GeoCities Silicon Valley) (GeoCities Silicon Valley) (GeoCities SoHo) (GeoCities SoHo) (GeoCities South Beach) (GeoCities Sunset Strip) (GeoCities Television City) (GeoCities The Tropics) (GeoCities Times Square) (GeoCities Tokyo) (GeoCities Vienna) (GeoCities Wall Street) (GeoCities Wellesley) (GeoCities Wellesley) (GeoCities West Hollywood) (GeoCities Yosemite)

Alternate versions, suburbs, blocks, etc.

Some of these are earlier versions, before I was really satisfied with the results, and others are for sub-sections of various neighborhoods.
(GeoCities SoHo) (GeoCities SoHo Lofts) (GeoCities South Beach) (GeoCities South Beach) (South Beach Boardwalk) (South Beach Breakers) (South Beach Marina) (South Beach Marina) (South Beach Marina 7150 Block) (South Beach Marina 7150 Block) (GeoCities Times Square) (GeoCities Times Square) (Times Square 1500s) (Times Square 2750 Block) (Times Square 4250 Block) (GeoCities Vienna/Strasse) (GeoCities Yosemite) (GeoCities Yosemite) (Yosemite Trails) (Yosemite Trails) (Yosemite Trails 1600s) (Yosemite Trails 1600s)
If you would like to use one of these to indicate a GeoCities link on your GeoCities page, go right ahead. If you'd like me to make one up for your particular neighborhood or block, just write me and we'll talk. hazel@ddb.com

[88x31]Up: eighty eight by thirty one
Back: Hazel's Neighborhood Icons, Area 51 - Rodeo Drive