I'm sorry but this cooking section is only available in catalan.
Aqui hi tinc la meva colleccio de receptes tradicionals catalanes. No les he cuinades totes, aixi que no donc cap garantia de que funcionin. De fet ni jo mateix m'en fio un pel, perque per exemple la recepta de crema catalana te massa sucre per al meu gust. Pero algun que altre exiliat amb mono de un bon plat catala pot fer servir-ho com a base per improvitzar quelcom que s'assembli al que cuinava la iaia.
Bon profit!
Chachi is spanish slang and has a similar meaning as the english word cool. It's a childish expression. It's therefore a good title for this section, because here I'll post stuff I like, but that doesn't have any practical use nor artistic value.
Here I've stored some of my weird programs. They are terribly boring and probably nobody will find them useful.
Here you'll find pictures of me. Pictures of Berlin, the city I live. Comics and other fun stuff. An MP3 file of my brothers favorite ambient composition. Hmmm what else? Go, and look for yourself.
Preaching my point of view.