Other Drinking Houses - Links Room.

The room providing links to other drinking places.

Welcome to the other drinking houses links room. There are many great place to go and get drunk on the New Wine! Check out the following....

Choose the type of Drinking House...

  1. Key people/churches in present renewal.

  2. Places with many more renewal links.

  3. Places with Teaching and articles on the renewal.

  4. Places showing the role of Prayer and Spiritual Warfare in revival .

  5. Anti Drinking Houses!

For many Testimonies from the renewal go to The Drink and Chat Room.

For many links to articles on the history of revivals go to The Wine Cellar.

Click on the banner above for more on the Pensacola Outpouring/Brownesville-Revival.

Or you can use the GCN search...

GCN Search :

Key People/Churches in the Renewal.

Click on the banner above for more on the Pensacola Outpouring/Brownesville-Revival.

Places With Many More Renewal Links.

Christian Word Ministry - latest news on renewal, testimonies and links.

Places With Teaching And Articles On The Renewal.

Places Showing The Role Of Prayer And Spiritual Warfare In Revival.

Revivals are bathed in prayer and lead to an awakening in one's prayer life! See my page on WORLD PRAYING for some excellent resources and teaching on doing this.

Anti-Drinking Houses.

Please note that I do not agree with the content of these sites but I include them so we can be aware of the various arguments against this present move and respond (not react) the way Christ would - in true love (which is sometimes quite HARD - think of the ways He rebuked the Pharisees - but it was in love).