Thanks to Tri for scanning this label
"Smoothest Cat in the City!"
Thanks to Tri Nguyen for the content of this page. Unfortunatly Panther isn't available in California, so I've never seen it.

Brewer: Gluek

Where?: Cold Spring, Minnesota

Alcoholic Content: 7.5% (from the bottle)

Taste: I dunno

Comments from the outside world
Tri Nguyen "It tastes and smells worse than most other malt liquors I've drank, but it did have a bit of a kick!  Hey, that's why you drink it anyways right?!
I don't know if I'll try it again though.  It gave a stomach ache for about 2 days!  My usually cooperative, friendly, and semi-hard stool was transformed grotesquely into soft serve for this period of time.  I don't even want to re-live that again...  Of course, if it's the only drink around....  hmmmm...."