Steel Reserve 211

"What in the hell does the 211 mean?"

Thanks to Ryan Harris for the content of this page, and David Mogen for scanning the label and bottle cap. Unfortunatly Steel Reserve 211 isn't available in California, so I've never seen it.

Brewer: Steel

Where?: St. Paul, Lehigh Valley

Alcoholic Content: 8.1%  (this is one of the big boys!) (from the bottle)

Taste: I dunno

Comments from the outside world

Ryan Harris "I have seen 40's, 22's, and 16 oz cans (in the Seattle area). The label says that it is "slow brewed in limited batches... to be among the very best malt liquors in the world". It is strong but it does not taste that good (not the best in the world!)"

"The other night I was watching the TV show LAPD and they said "211" means either armed robbery or assault. At 8.1% steel reserve will assault you if your not paying attention."

David Mogen "211 stands for "Armed Robbery"...wild, huh?"