NOTICE OF 1998 ANNUAL MEETING

DATE: April 28, 1998(Tuesday)       PLACE: Ft. Hill Building
                                      Suite 205
Time: 7:00p.m.- Sign-IN               5900 Centreville Road
      7:30p.m.-Guest Speakers         Centreville, VA 20121
      8:30p.m.-Call to Order

In accordance with Article X, Section 3 of the Bylaws for 
Second Gate Post Estates Homeowners Association, you are notified
of the Annual Meeting for the Association.

               ********ORDER OF BUSINESS********
                    Establishment of Quorum
                   Proof of Notice of Meeting
                Review of Year's Accomplishments
                       Financial Statement
       Reports from Committees (ARB, Beautification, etc.)
                          New Business

In order to ensure a quorum (35 lots represented), ALL HOMEOWNERS
ARE URGED TO ATTEND. If you are unable to attend, please
complete and return the enclosed proxy to any of the board
members listed below by April 28, 1998. If you are uncertain
about attending, please send in the proxy; it can be retracted at
the meeting. Also, we will be electing a board member at the
meeting so please use the enclosed nomination form if you are
interested in serving on the Board of Directors.

This year's guest speakers will be Mr. Ronald W. Koch, Director
of Planning, Fairfax County Planning Commission and Michael Frey,
Supervisor, Sully District, the Fairfax County Board of
Supervisors. Mr. Koch and Mr. Frey will discuss issues related
to Centreville and Fairfax County development and education.

We hope you will be able to attend this year's annual meeting.


Terry Donahue, President 266-3942                  April 8, 1998
Bill Wood-VP Internal 631-2522     Diane Wood-Treasurer 631-2522

Chris Cluster-VP External 222-8709      Bill Wilkinson-Secretary 

Enclosures: Proxy; Nomination Form