All Things Forgotten

by Jordan V. Elliott

The emotion that is had,
Impossible to feel.
Too difficult to think
But enough to make it real.
In too deep, far past
Any conscious thought.
Wanting to go deeper
Knowing it ought not.

All the things that are there,
Impossible to see.
To easily forgotten,
Lost forever be.
Hidden far from view,
Alone and overlooked.
Slowly, surely to give back,
All it never took.

Enough to make it real,
Enough to just be missed.
All the things forgotten
Including all of this.
Thoughts together jumbled,
Tangled in our minds.
Slowly, surely to give back,
All that it can find.

'all things forgotten' copyright 1998 fizbinsongs music/arphaxad music/E.N.S. music. all rights reserved.