PREPARE the ingrédients of a COURT-BOUILLON according to the recipe. For lobster, however, increase the amount of salt to 4 teaspoons and the amount of peppercorns to 3 teaspoons. You may also augment the quantity of vegetables.
To cook a large lobster, or several lobsters, you will need to increase the recipe proportionately so that the lobsters will be submerge in liquid when they are cooked.
Bring the court-bouillon to a rapid boil in a large kettle. Plunge the lobster immediately into it and cover the kettle. Boil gently for 20 to 25 minutes for lobsters weighing 11/2 to 2 pounds.
If the lobster is to be served cold, transfer it and the courtbouillon to a ceramic bowl, and let stand for several hours or even overnight. Never put a lobster in the refrigerator until it is thoroughly cooled.
See other original recipes
La Cuisine Chantraine