Le Sabayon Fielding
Zabaglione with Liqueur

Dedicated to our faithful and sympathetic friend, the dynamic and well-known Temple Fielding

THis is a variation of the SABAYON DE l'ANNIVERSAIRE. It is difficult to make a zabaglione swell if it contains very much alcohol, therefore the liqueur must be added at the last.

Follow Le Sabayon de l'Anniversaire exactly. When it is about ready, still over the heat and without stopping the whipping, add 1 teaspoon of brandy, or of any other good liqueur such as Cointreau, kirsch, etc. Whip rapidly for a few seconds, and serve imrnediately.

In multiplying the recipe, allow about 1 teaspoon of liqueur for each 2 egg yolks used.

See other original recipes

La Cuisine Chantraine
