Le Ris de Veau Pierre-Ange
Sweetbreads with Tomato Sauce

To our dear cousin and delightful companion, Pierre Angelroth

TO SERVE four:

2 pairs veal sweetbreads
Lightly beaten egg white, flour, and butter for cooking sweetbreads
2 carrots
1/4 pound butter, in all, for sauces
4 teaspoons flour
3/8cup tomato purée
11/4 Cups CLEAR MEAT CONSOMMÉ or substitute
2 teaspoons sugar
Heavy cream, optional
Salt and pepper
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
juice of 1/4 lemon
Thinly sliced white bread, optional

PRECOOK the sweetbreads according to the directions .

Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly. In a heavy saucepan, over moderate heat, simmer them with a quarter of the butter and a pinch each of salt and sugar for about 10 minutes. Then stir in the flour and, when it is well blended in, add the tomato purée. Simmer again for another 10 minutes, then add the CLEAR MEAT CONSOMMÉ, or substitute, and the sugar. (If you use a commercial beef consomme, it may already be sweetened and the sugar should then be omitted. )

Let the sauce reduce over low heat for 45 minutes. Then strain it, and correct the seasoning. A little cream may be added if you wish. In this case, bring the sauce to a boil again, add the cream, and again check the seasoning. Keep the sauce warm.

Make the second "sauce," or maître-d'hôtel butter, by creaming the remaining butter and working into it the chopped parsley, a pinch each of salt and freshly ground pepper, and the lemon juice. Mix well and keep in a cool place.

Dip the sweetbreads first in the beaten egg white and then lightly in flour. In a skillet, over low heat, melt a generous lump of butter, and cook the sweetbreads in it, covered, turning them once, until they are well heated through. Arrange them on a hot platter. If you wish, the bread, first cut into strips of triangles, may now be fried in the butter remaining in the skillet and used to garnish the platter.

The tomato sauce and the maître-d'hôtel butter are served from separate sauceboats or bowls. Place a portion of the butter on each helping, then cover with tomato sauce.

See other original recipes

La Cuisine Chantraine
