Fiona's Home Page


A big hello to everyone. I have created this page to give you a small insight into my world. This is the first home page that I have constructed, so please bear with me. Any suggestions as to how I can improve the page would be appreciated.

As you have probably worked out, my real name is Fiona, but I go by the alias of "Miss Fire" when I am chatting on the internet. Hmmm, lets see, I am 24 with shoulder length red hair and blue eyes. My height is 169 cm, which makes me about 5'6". You can see an old picture of my in my Photo Album.

I live in Perth, Western Australia. Perth is a lovely coastal city located approximately one third of the way up the Western Australian coastline. The weather in Perth is lovely, with temperatures ranging from around 42C maximums and 20C minimums in summer, and 20C maximums and 3C minimums during winter. The summers are relatively dry with Perth commonly placed under water restrictions.

I graduated from Curtin University of Technology in 1993 with a major in Accounting. I then worked for two years in an accounting firm, primarily doing taxation work. In 1995 I undertookpostgraduate study to complete my membership with the Instituteof Chartered Accountants. It took me about one and a half yearsto realise that this was definitely not for me. I have since changed my career path and work on the "help desk" of a software company. My current employers create accounting softwarefor public practice accounting firms.


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