Ben's Inconsequential Web Page  

  So many beers. So little time.  

Click the right arrow for the belch (if you don't see an arrow, you need to install QuickTime plug-in): 

A simple index for simple people:

Books I've written
Other stuff I've created
Stuff I can't take all the credit for
Homebrewing clubs I belong to
Other links

Books I've written:

Ben's Big Book O' Brewing Beer.
Advanced Brewing.
The Dating Handbook.
How to Be Healthy Until You Die.
Religion, Philosophy, and Other Crap.
Relationships for Dummies.
Money Can Make You Rich.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Care.
How to Raise Children.
How to Grow Old (But Not Up).
You're Laughing At Me, Aren't You?
The Big D
Advanced Health.

Other stuff I've created:

HTML primer.
My 2003 beer excursion to Belgium and Germany (Word | HTML).
My 2004 beer excursion to Belgium and Germany (Word | HTML).
My 2005 beer excursion to Belgium and Germany (Word | HTML).
Belgian breweries.
Spreading the Joy of Homebrewing.
Why I Brew.
The Beer Drinker's Image.
Why Americans Like Light Beer.
The Skinny on Beer and Health.

Stuff I can't take all the credit for:

Monica Lewinsky's new beers.
A frog who just don't care.
Me and my dog.
Some clean jokes.
Breweries and brewpubs around Baltimore.
Me and the Greaseman.
The 32-Inch Beer Gut.

Homebrewing clubs I belong to:

Other links:

My band, the Charingtones.
Free State Homebrew Club Guild.
Hashing - it's not a drug thing.
Baltimore-Annapolis hashing club
Wrestling (the real stuff, not WWE).
U.S. Beer Drinking Team.
Three Stooges.
Singing horses.
Great mostly Belgian beer travel site.
Search engines, phone finders, reference sources, etc.
ATM users beware!.
Beer links.
Humor links.

To beer or not to beer? What a stupid question.