P pack a wallop - punch
with considerable force
pack of galahs -
group of disliked people
pal - friend; mate
paper Aussie - naturalized
Australian citizen
paper bag job - an
ugly woman
Pat Malone - alone
pearlies - the teeth
perk up - to vomit
pesky - annoying
piece of piss - a
very easy task
pie-eater - an Australian;
foolish person
piffle - nonsense
piss - beer
piss all over - defeat
piss it in - win
pisser - the pub;
men's urinal
play funny buggers
- foolish; deceitful
plodder - slow worker
who eventually gets the job done
plonk - wine
poofter - homosexual
pov - poverty stricken
prang - car accident
prawn - foolish person
professional ratbag
- one who makes money from scheming
push up zeds - have
a sleep
put the shits up
- cause to become angry
Q QFRTB - quite full
and ready to bust (said after eating)
queer - homosexual
R rain dance - superstitious
Aboriginal ceremony performed to cause it to rain
rake - a comb
rare as hen's teeth
- very rare
ratbag - untrustworthy
rats on stilts -
rattle your dags
- hurry up!
reckon - suppose
red ned - cheap red
refadex - Queensland
street directory
rellies - relatives
Richard Cranium -
ron - later on
roo - kangaroo
root - sexual intercourse
rooted - exhausted;
rubber cheque - dishonored
cheque (a cheque that bounces)
ruckus - commotion
S sack - bed; termination
of employment
sammy - sandwich
sandie - Queensland
sand crab
sanga - sandwich
scallywag - rascal
scone - the head;
to hit on the head
scorcher - very hot
scungy - unpleasant
serve - reprimand
shaggin' wagon -
panel van
sheila - female
she's sweet - everything
is fine
shirt lifter - male
shit bricks - become
shit for brains -
person lacking intelligence
shit it in - win
shit tacks - full
of fear
shmo - stupid person
shoot a fairy - to
shut-eye - sleep
siphon the python
- to urinate
skedaddle - depart
skin-flick - a pornographic
sloshed - very drunk
smoko - short break
from work
snag - a sausage;
a problem
snaky - annoyed
snot someone - to
bash someone
spag - spaghetti
spaghetti bog - spaghetti
spoof - semen
spray the bowl -
to suffer from diarrhea
spud - potato
stack on a blue -
become extremely angry
stairway to heaven
- a ladder in a woman's stocking
strewth! - expression
of amazement
stubbie holder -
polystyrene cover for a stubbie beer bottle
stubbies - small
squat bottles of beer made notable by the brand XXXX (Fourex)
sunny side up - eggs
fried on one side only
Sunshine State -
T ta - thank you
tailgate - drive
too closely to the vehicle in front
take a sickie - take
a day off work
take a squiz - have
a look
Tassie - Tasmania
tea - the evening
meal and usually the main meal of the day
Technicolor yawn
- vomit
telly - television
the box - television
the sticks - the
thick ear - a beating
this arvo - this
throb in the knob
- erection of the penis
thunder box - the
tiff - argument
tingle - telephone
tinny - can of beer;
small aluminum boat
toot - toilet
tribe - family; group
of friends
troppo - crazy; insane
tucker - food
turps - strong alcohol;
booze; turpentine
tux - tuxedo; dinner
jacket for men