U ugg boot - a boot
made of sheepskin with the fleece as the inside lining
ugly as a hatful of arseholes
- very ugly
under the sun - anywhere
on earth
underground mutton
- rabbit (when used as food)
up a gum tree - having
up a sparrow fart
- awake very early
up the donga - out
in the country
up the shit - in
great difficulties
useless as a glass door
on a dunny - completely useless
ute - utility truck
V vampire's tea bag
- tampon
vee-dub - Volkswagen
Vegemite - dark brown
vegetable extract used as a spread on bread
veggies - vegetables
village bike - promiscuous
W waffle - nonsense
wag - amusing person
walkabout - an aborigine's
period of nomadic wandering
wallop - thrash
wally - foolish person
waltzing matilda
- wandering aimlessly
war paint - women's
water the horse -
to urinate
well I'll be buggered
- exclamation of surprise
whack - share; attempt;
whale - a Murray
River cod
what do you do for a
crust? - how do you earn a living?
what for - severe
when the crow shits
- payday
whinge - to complain
in an annoying way
who flung dung -
who farted
winkers - the eyes
wog - a cold or similar
disease; an Italian or Greek
woofer - a dog
woop woop - a very
long way away
wow - excellent;
complete success
wrapped - delighted
X x amount - an unknown
XXXX - Fourex (a
favorite brand of Queensland beer)
Y yabber - talk too
yabbie - small Australian
freshwater crayfish
yacker - incessant
yakka - hard work
yobbo - unsophisticated
you beaut - excellent;
yowie - Australian
version of a yeti
Z zebra crossing -
pedestrian crossing marked with stripes