

In response to "Cassandra Dreams No. 1" (featuring "Moon in Scorpio"):

"Raymond! Che bella poesia!! Finally we have something that speaks to our hearts as well as senses. Bellissima. Please continue." - Floria Parmiani, Northern California

I've been receiving and reading your words for a few months now and have enjoyed the beauty so evident in your words. However, I've yet to be moved so much, in such a long time, as I was with "Moon in Scorpio" and your narrative. I too am a sensualist. Your words spoke volumes to me. My body tingled with the pleasure of your experience and feelings. Thank you for sharing.
I look forward to this series and your words,
Dene' Vance" [aka koolfemme, Texas]

"What a wonderful poem to start your new series with. And written on my birthday. It's nice to have you back, as I look forward to your poems. VMOUSE aka Vicki..." [Washington State]

"Wow!! ...for women.. it is more cerebral.. you have to get the mind before anything." - Connee, Texas

"I hope you don't mind, I shared your work with my lover and he too was inspired!! ..*G*...he loved it." - Dene' Vance, Texas

"i read your poem today that you sent...i am exhausted..the one you started to call climax..it was beyond beyond...super...i loved it..really did... ...i think it shows you have deep feelings..and from a man...thats terrific...as so many men want to hide their true inner feelings..." - rave5, Virginia

Any comments? Please e-mail me! @ 1998 moment2moment@hotmail.com

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