Sherri Randall's Place

Nothing Fancy Here - Just A Few Good Links!

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I keep working on this page, but I have a few great links to share with you. I am a librarian and love to ride on my husband's motorcycle. His motorcycle is a 1977 FLH Harley-Davidson.

I have a trike of my very own. It is a home built model and it carries a Ford Pinto 2L engine with an automatic transmission. Now I can ride 'free on three'.

I live in the great state of Wyoming and love to cook in my spare time.

I have given you some of the fun links that I enjoy visiting. Hope you enjoy them also.

Links to other sites on the Web

My Virtual Reference Desk
Upton Wyoming High School (home of the Bobcats!)
CopyKat Recipes, famous restaurant recipes imitated, great stuff
Weston County Library System, including information for the Upton Branch Library.
Wyoming State Library
Recipes from King Arthur Flour
Interactive kitchen of Kraft Foods
Land O' Lakes, good recipes
Top Secret Recipes, a wonderful place to find those copy cat type recipes.
Brothers of the Third Wheel web site. A fun place to go if you are interested in three-wheel motorcycles.
Choppers Rule, a great site with fantastic motorcycles
All Recipes, this is a great site with all sorts of recipes, visit and find out for yourselves
GoWYLD - Wyoming Information at your fingertips just click here and GoWYLD!

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