How I got started smoking is a long (and according to some boring story). The year was 1984 and I was a freshman in college. My roommate who shall remain name less (Carlos Rodriguez), was a cigarette smoker( yech.) Many a night his noxious clouds of smoke would drive me from the room. I would get sick when he would fire up one of those nasty Marlborough Cigarettes of his. Well one day I had, had enough.
Today (well that day) I went to the local tobacco shop and purchased the largest nastiest looking cigar they had. This big double maduro monster I thought, would surely be enough to make my roommate think twice about firing up his cigarettes.
Well the moment of truth came and when he reached for his cigarettes, I reached for my cigar. As he lit that little piece of paper and tobacco, I fired up that monster cigar. His smoke and mine began to rise to the ceiling and soon it was he who retreated from our room in defeat.
Victory was mine and I could put down that cigar. However before the end of that cigar, I really began to like it more and more. As I placed the butt end of that cigar in the ash tray I was hooked.
Now who won our argument about smoking in the dorm room, well lets just say that we both won. He kept on smoking cigarettes and I began smoking good cigars.
So you see gentle reader if it had not been for a roommate with no respect for others I might have missed many years of contented cigar smoking.
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