Tuesday night around my place is devoted to cigar smokers. At 7pm we close the doors and fire up the stogies. Step inside and join us. If you live around the Raleigh NC area give me a call at (919)708-5555 for directions to the store.
Click HERE for a map to our location.

Welcome to Tuesday at Import Gourmet & Spirits, I am your shop keeper Gary. If I can help just let me know.

This is a new page and the first pictures and comments were posted thur, aug 21th 1997. Sorry for the mess but hey im trying.

Me, my motercycle and my favorite cigar a Partagas 150 AA.

Tom & Jay smoking a cigar by the Cycle

Rev. Ed Westbury

Jeff Owle our resident American Indian cigar smoker

Sarah one of our young lady cigar smokers

Chris, Allan, Erol

Tom, James, Gary, Greg

Erol, Tom, Greg, James, Gary

Chris, I felt bad about him not showing up in the group photo so I got one of him alone(like always).

The Band Tim Preston & John Cameron the Weekly Duo .

The gangs all here from left to right Chris, Alan, Erol, Tom, Greg (with his head in a cloud of smoke), James, Gary.

I wish I could claim that the pics for tuesday were great but they suck. We will get better shots next week. We learned out lesson the hard way never let the guy drinking shots take the pics.

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Last Updated Ffebruary 28, 1998 by Import Gourmet & Spirits