The South American Cichlid Study Group (SACSG) is dedicated to the exchange of information on the cichlid fauna native to South America, to encourage the knowledgeable keeping of them in the aquarium hobby, and to preserving them in their natural habitat. To join the South American Cichlids Mailing List, all you have to do is send an empty email to sacsg-subscribe@egroups.com without a subject or mesage. For information on how this server works, for web archives and similar things you can visit www.e-groups.com directly. Non-members can view the discussion via the web, at the egroups.com archives. Let's put our heads together and answer your question! Once you're signed up, to post a message or question, email to sacsg@eGroups.com To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to: sacsg-unsubscribe@eGroups.com. ACARA, the quarterly publication of the group will no longer be published in its current (paper) format. It will be moved online. Please check back here for updates. Limited back issues are available. Please contact me for additional details. Thank you.