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Republiek, Suriname

GPS: 5 North 29.866; 55 West 12.554

The habitat was a roadside ditch/pond that had a ton of fish.

These beautiful tetras were everywhere. Wish I'd brought home a few - they'd make excellent dithers. I think they may be Bryconops melanurus.

Crenicichla saxatilis in this part of Suriname were not very spotted.

Jeff was very excited to catch this Pristobrycon denticulata, an unusual Piranha.

We saw and collected quite a few of these Splash tetras. Possibly Copella carsevennensis.

A little knifefish, Sternopygus (?)

I'm told that these Angels were introduced to Republiek. They sport a lot of brick red spots on the flanks and remind me of a variety from Venezuela. These angels were found no where else we collected.

A very large Apistogramma steindachneri male. This was the only Apisto species we came across.

Mesonauta guyanae (?). Again, like the angels, these were found no where else but in Republiek. Were they introduced as well? Dont know. In the aquarium, they are more aggressive than any of the other Mesonauta that I've kept, but they are also a lot easier to spawn.

Platydoras costatus

Representing their genus, Cichlasoma bimaculatum.

Carnegiella strigata, the marbled hatchetfish.

Everywhere we go, Jeff gets mauled by some tiny Hoplias with an attitude. It's happened on the last four trips.

Atleast Jeff wasn't mauled by this Hoplias! Hoplias aimara being sold just outside Republiek.

Leporinus species, possibly L. gossei. Need ID help.

Metynnis sp. (?)

Nannostomus sp. (?)

Of course, no body of water is complete unless we catch an Astyanax sp.

Species seen at Republiek:

  1. Pterophyllum sp. Red Spot (Introduced?)
  2. Mesonauta guyanae
  3. Pygopristis denticulata (Piranha)
  4. Cichlasoma bimaculatum
  5. Astyanax sp.
  6. Krobia guianensis
  7. Red-fin Silver Dollars (?)
  8. One-lined Pencilfish (?)
  9. Curimatid species
  10. Leporinus sp.
  11. Polycentrus schomburgki
  12. Crenicichla saxatilis
  13. Acestrorhynchus sp.
  14. Carnegiella strigata
  15. Platydoras costatus
  16. Copella sp. Splash tetras (?)
  17. Poptella sp.
  18. Gold tetras (?)
  19. Apistogramma steindachneri
All photos by J. Cardwell, S. Jack, J. Zaradka and V. Kutty

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Latest update: 6 April 2007
Comments on this page: email me at vin dot kutty at gmail dot com