Arroyo Cuaro Grande, Artigas, Uruguay
November 27, 2006
Google Earth image of Arroyo Cuaro Grande. Eye elevation = 2300 ft.
Arroyo Cuaro Grande. A very rocky habitat.
GPS Coordinates: South 30 degrees 47.057' West 056 degrees 46.897'. Elevation: 407'.
Australoheros sp. Red Breast Cuaro
This photograph conveys neither the beauty nor the aggression of this little fish. The pair I have at home has been in captivity for two weeks as of this writing and is colored an brownish emerald with a bright red breast. It is in a unheated tank that remains at about 68 F and the pair is terrorizing the tank that includes Crenicichla celidochilus that are an inch or two bigger. Jeff Cardwell reports that they are the only fish in his tank with no torn fins. It is a feeding time bully that more than makes up for its 'bad behavior' with its color. The day after I get fertilized eggs from the pair, my duty completed, I will be shipping them off to someone else willing to put up with them.
The Ao. Cuaro version of Gymno. Catalan rhabdotus group
The rare and not-so-colorful species Gymnogeophagus sp. Hi Fin.
It is rare to see two species of rhabdotus group fish in one location.
A Curimatid tetra of some sort (?)
Fish species found in Arroyo Cuaro Grande:
- C. scotti
- C. cf. lepidota
- Hoplias lacerdai
- Cyanocharax uruguayensis
- Charax sp.
- Astyanax sp. Bar Tail
- Gymno. sp. Catalan (rhabdotus group)
- Gymno sp. Hi Fin (rhabdotus group)
- Australoheros sp. Red Breast Cuaro
- Phalloceros decemaculatus (Livebearer)
Photos by J. Cardwell, S. Jack and V. Kutty