Proper discharge of all duties is required at TIP and a student’s first duty is her/her scholastic work. All students should be thoroughly acquainted with and cognizant of these basic requirements.



The semester hour is the basis of all credits. Generally one recitation or lecture hour or three laboratory hours per week for a full semester constitute one semester hour. Thus in ENG101 3(3,0) as you will find this subject listed in the course description, the students takes three semester hours. When the course is completed satisfactory, 3 credits are entered on the student records. The notation "3(3,0)" means that the course carries three credits, has three clock hours of theory lectures per week and no laboratory work. On the other hand, CHEM 101 has a notation 4(3,3) which suggest that the course carries four semester hours, has three hour of theory and a three hour laboratory per week.



The performance of students is evaluated through a continuous testing procedure spread over the entire period of studies. Besides the final examination at the end of each semester, a number of tests and assignments are given at regular intervals during each course. Moreover the performance of students in class discussions, written assignments, research reports etc. is evaluated and forms a part of their overall grades. In the rating of students, the grading system is as follows:-



Calculated in the Grade Point Average:


Grade Grade Points:


  • A              4.0

    B               3.0

    C               2.0

    D              1.0

    F                0.0



    Not calculated in the Grade Point Average:


    I Incomplete

    W Withdrawn during first 4 weeks of classes.

    WP Withdrawn after 4 weeks of classes, passing at the time of withdrawal.

    WF Withdrawn after 4 weeks of classes,failing at the time of withdrawal.

    IP In progress (for a course for which a grade is not necessarily due at

    the end of the semester, e.g. independent study)

    L Auditor (no credit)



     The GPA is computed as:


                                                Sum of (Credit Hr. x grade point)   


                                                        Sum of Credit Hours


    A student must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a cumulative basis throughout their stay at TIP. Any student with a GPA of less than 2.0 is placed on academic probation. Should a student not be able to bring his GPA upto a level of 2.0 on the semester following the one in which he/she was placed on probation, the student faces dismissal from the Institute. If a student fail to pass certain courses and yet manage to maintain a GPA equal to or above 2.0, he/she is allowed to repeat and clear the course(s) before the degree is awarded.


    In some cases, a student may receive a grade of I or "Incomplete" at the sole discretion of the instructor. This may be the result of a student being sick during a test or other mitigating circumstances. In such an eventuality, the student will have one academic semester to complete the course and remove the I from his/her academic record. Failing this, the instructor may either award on ‘F’ to the student, or change the grade to a permanent I.



    In rate cases, a student may feel that the grade awarded him/her in unfair. In such situation, student are encouraged to meet with their instructor, and attempt to come to a resolution. Should such attempts be unsuccessful, the student may appeal in writing to the Director. Unless the Director considers such an appeal to be frivolous he will set up a committee to investigate the appeal, and inform the student of his findings.



    Regular and punctual attendance of all classes and laboratory sessions is the responsibility of each student. College work proceeds at such a pace that regular attendance is necessary in order for each student. All absences are matters to be resolved between the instructor and the student. In the event that a student finds it necessary to be absent form class, it is the student’s responsibility to make up resulting deficiencies. On the syllabus, the instructor shall inform the students of the attendance policy for that class. A student who incurs excessive absences may be dropped from a course by the instructor
