Us at Cliff House, in San Francisco

Come right in...look around...make yourself comfortable in this nice, cozy chair!

Before you go too far, though...we have but one question for you...
Electric Chair
Regular...or...Extra Crispy!?!?

Welcome to Our slice of the internet, where you can take a look into Our world!

A photo of Robert

A photo of Us

The kewlest thing!

Another photo of Us!!!

Our First Christmas in New York!!!

Angela, Robert and Tami

Well, if you've been here before, you know the drill! For those of you just wandering in here for the first time, dig around and make yourself at home. We want to welcome Tami onto the page, because she's become such a big part of our lives....she deserves at least a mention on here!


Try this for a great Windows95 Wallpaper for your PC! Just open up the page, right click on the picture, and select "Set as Wallpaper" and you've got it on your desktop!

For you, Angie, My Love...

All My Love

...should I fall out of love, my fire in the light... chase a feather in the wind?...
...within the glow that weaves a cloak of delight...
...there moves a thread that has no end...

...For many hours and days that pass ever soon...
...the tides have caused the flame to dim...
...At last the arm is straight, the hand to the loom...
...Is this to end or just begin?...

...all of my love...all of my love...all of my you...
...all of my love...all of my love...all of my you...

...The cup is raised, the toast is made yet again... voice is clear above the din...
...proud Aryan, one word my will to sustain....
...for me, the cloth once more to spin...

...all of my love...all of my love...all of my you...
...all of my love...all of my love...all of my you...

...yours is the cloth, mine is the hand that sews time...
...he is the force that lies within...
...ours is the fire, all the warmth we can find...
...he is a feather in the wind...

...all of my love...all of my love...all of my you...
...all of my love...all of my love...all of my you...

Thanks to Led Zeppelin!

A song shared with you some time ago...and special to me ever since...I love you....

Due to Technical Difficulties, Our Guestbook has Been Retired (after two years without maintenance, it crashed out!)!

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Guestbook by Lpage

Look through Our eyes at some of the wonderful things We've shared together! I suppose thisand a volcano, as well as a darker look at "The Rock"...Alcatraz...and...a bit of the oriental influence on our world...A all we'll ever get posted in this directory!

Our Home

Another pic of Angie and I

Looking Down From Mt. Tamalpais

Created by, designed by and maintained by....yep...Us!

Drop Us a line and let us know what you think!

© 1996

this page last updated...30 January 2006...
My Angela and I

Roses for you, My love!