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First some quick lingo you might run across.

Pezhead=One who enjoys and collects Pez a lot!

MIB=Mint In Bag

MOC=Mint on Card

MOMC=Mint on Mint Card

NF=No Feet

Kosher Pez=Special Pez that are made to fit Jewish food rules and are always the assorted Pez variety.

Fantasy Pez=Pez dispensers that aren't made by the Pez company, but Pezheads make these themselves. They range from Hitler to the Pop'n'Fresh Doughboy.

PEZ can be packaged one of three ways. In a bag, on a card with hard plastic shell holding the dispenser, and shrink wrapped on a card (found mostly in European PEZ). I put these here because you will run across them a lot.

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