Hard to believe these are the same baby! All within the same week!
Jacob Paul Steblein at 4 Months!! Approx. 11lbs.
Here he is with one of his first smiles. He now smiles often at faces and sounds!! And, he has started to laugh occasionally. Jacob says "Scroll down below to see another picture of me at 3.5 months old. "
If you like "mushy stuff", then click here -- LOVE, STRESS, & COPING
Jacob Update as of 5/20/98 - Jacobs first tooth cut through yesterday! He has also started to blow raspberries! He is very social and loves to babble. He smiles often and those eyes are still blue! Just thought I'd do a Quick! update!!
Jacob Update as of 5/10/98 - Happy Mothers Day!! Jacob has been actively playing with our fingers for the last 2 weeks, but just started reaching for toys put within his reach. Those little gyms that you place in front/over them work great for encouraging this development. He startles himself when he grabs and rattles things vigorously, but then he always smiles! He seems like such a happy baby. I think every parent really bonds with their baby when they start the interactions and give you lots of smiles.
The only problems we've had as of late are a bout of 'herpangina', ok Herpes of the mouth, aka "Hand, Foot, and Mouth", aka "Hoof and mouth". He has almost 1 cm sores in the back of his throat which causes significant distress throughout the day/night (yes, at 2:00am too). The only remedies are time, tylenol, and benadryl. Thus, he has slept more, but when he hurts he tells you. Additionally, FYI, the colicky stuff ended a few weeks ago too. Yeaa!! Such a relief.
Jacob, Savannah and I all traveled down south to see "Nana" in Virginia AND we went to MD to visit the rest of the family. This was Jacob's first ever visit with Nana. I think they both enjoyed the time. Over the weekend, we all dressed in POOH garb (looking too cute) and went to Edie's 60th birthday party, sporting our Disney theme (POOH)! Look for a picture coming soon! Paul had been in Denver the previous week, so we were anxious for him to meet us there on Saturday for the party. It was a big blowout and lots of family and fun. Sometimes I think we are TOO busy!! Hugs.
Jacob Update as of 4/21/98 - The newborn clothes are now getting packed away. Jacob is soo big he is wearing 0-3 month clothes now (at 4 months). I suspect it won't be long before he outgrows those 0-3 months ones too!
The big news is that Jacob rolled over several times today -- for the first time. Yeaa! He rolled from Tummy to Back. At first I think it was an accident, as I put him on his tummy and he raised his head to look around. Next thing we knew he was on his back. Then, he smiled. I am not sure if the smile was because he was excited too, or if he was smiling at all my praise to him!! It won't be long before he starts grabbing food off our plates
Jacob Paul Steblein at 3.5 Months!! "It's nice that the pictures Mom took have lots of shadows that make it seem like I have all my hair still! If you saw me in person you would wonder if it was the same baby!!"
Jacob Update as of 4/7/98 - Jacob is getting HUGE. He just lost the majority of his hair in the last 24 hours. It's coming out in CLUMPS! He must be near 11 pounds now! His last doctors appointment went well. The doctors have said that he will probably remain on the apnea/heartrate monitor until he his about 8-9 months old. They also indicated that he should NOT be put in any daycare environment for another 3 months. That would put him at about 6.5 months (or 4.5 months corrected) old. That might be tricky with work, since I am not sure how much longer they will continue to let me work from home. Jacob still sleeps 16-20 hours per day, much of the time. On the other days he sleeps only 12-16 hours per day. He is gradually increasing his wakeful periods. He's smiling much more now. He loves to be played with, but he is quite content just sitting and staring at the views. His only tough part is the evenings (usually). He has been pretty colicky, crying on and off, between 4:30pm-6:00pm or 6:00pm-7:30pm. At least it's not constant. Coincidently enough, it's almost always during dinner
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