Savannah's Page - Aug/Sep, 1998

Friday, September 25, 1998

We had a big "2nd" birthday party at Savannah's daycare today. For the big festivities, Mommy made chocolate cupcakes with green frosting(trying to think grass here), with a circle of M&M's around an animal cookie in the middle to take to her school.  They were not as 'trendy' as the blue frosted, Cookie Monster cupcakes another mom made last week, but I think she liked them pretty well. Next time, I'll listen to my instincts, and make chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Savannah's favorite part had to be eating the M&M's.

As an aside here, the purchase of her first M&M's was memorable. Yesterday, at the bulk candy aisle, I thought my daughter was going to faint when we went down the candy aisle. I would have given anything for a camera as she saw and realized the entire portion of the aisle was filled from top to bottom with candy. Editors note: I usually avoid areas of a store with this much candy, but I probably won't be able to anymore! I tried to pick something new, and fun, that she'd like, and I believe I succeeded.

Anyway, I took the cupcakes to her school today, where Paul met me at 10:00am.  We sang happy birthday with her friends, and Savannah seemed to revel in the attention of having Mommy and Daddy at school with her.  Jacob was sleeping in the other room, so he didn't come in during the festivities.  Her friends, seven of them, were actually pretty mellow.  Savannah pointed out her friends to us in a very proud sort of way: Tommy-Pickles, Mo (Melanie), Mikey, Timmy, Cheyenne, and Matthew.  Her teacher, Ms. Kelli (who I love!!!), said she thought the kiddies were just timid, because there were strangers there (Me and Paul -- in his uniform no less).  Fun was had by all.  Paul left, and I hung out a little while longer.  Afterwards, I snuck over to see Jacob, who was awake by then.  Unfortunately, on my way over, I heard Savannah wailing because Mommy had left.  How sad! That's it for now. Look for more pictures (birthday one's) later this weekend or early next week! Don't forget to scroll down and see a picture of:

Sunshine Savannah with her sunny sunflower at 23.5 months

Saturday, September 12th, 1998 - 9:30pm

Big news from the potty department! If you have sensitive eyes, or are uncomfortable with potty training language, you might want to skip down to yesterdays update!

For the first time, drum roll please, Savannah made her first BM deposit in the potty chair! Yeaa! She did a great job. What's funny is that I think she was unsure if she 'really' was ready to do it. Afterall, urinating is one thing, a BM is another. It went like this...Savannah came over to let us know she was ready to go. You need to know that she had no diaper on at that moment. I offered to give her a diaper, but also asked if she wanted to use the potty. Quickly, she ran to the potty, but just as quick turned around and ran out! Again, I offered the diaper or potty. She didn't want either. Uggh. So, when she saw me holding the diaper she looked at it, and than ran to the potty, sat down, and picked up a book! I couldn't believe it! So, we sat together while she did her business. She was sooooo proud! She cleaned up and that was that! Yeaa! It seems like the younger kids are to potty train the longer it takes. I figured, in my mind it would take a few months, and I think it's going to take at least that, whereas, if she were older it would probably happen much faster. I don't mind. I'm just letting her take it as she's ready to!

We should have some new, cute, pictures of Savannah soon. Our friends took some beautiful pictures of Savannah today. Albeit, we had spent the early morning cleaning up litter at Caldwell Park, with the Upper Township Mother's club, but she still looked fabulous. As soon as she puts a hat on, lookout! She is beautiful in hats, and fortunately, she seems to love them still! Look for those pictures in the next few weeks!

Friday, September 11th, 1998 - 6:30pm

Savannah spends each day reciting the countless songs, words, and items that she can think about. The funniest recent event was her constant use of the words "baby bumblebee" over the weekend with Paul; and, again all day yesterday with Mommy and Jacob. After several hours I noticed she was holding her hands together, like she was hiding something. Then, it struck! I realized she had learned that song about the baby bumblebee. The downside was that I couldn't remember the tune or lyrics. SO, after Paul arrived home, I explained the discovery. Together we were able to put together some basic lyrics about the BABY BUMBLEBEE song. If you know more or can correct us, then let us know!

"I'm picking up my baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me";
"I'm shaking up my baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me";
"I'm squishing(?) up my baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me";
"I'm licking up my baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me";

It's great to remember these tidbits from your own childhood. Savannah and I love to play with her little people main street village. I picked this up at a yard sale when Paul and I were dating...our planning ahead is sometimes obnoxious! As parents, there is a part of us that gets to relive our own childhood of what we did, and even things we missed out on. Several of my friends had little people, and I remember those days!

As of late Savannah seems to always be in a diaper when I take pictures (it's been so hot), so most of these pictures are within the last month or so. So make sure you get down to see the one of her trying to coerce Jacob to smile. Enjoy...

"Mommy, it's hard work playing at the playground. More juice please?!"

"Mommy, is hurricane Bonnie going to blow Jacob away? It sure is windy out here at Ocean City!"

Monday, August 31st, 1998 - 9:00pm

The leaves are just starting to turn color in some places and the nights are cooling off -- what a wonderful month. It also happens to be Savannah's birth month coming up! Yeaa!

The days are going by so quick we can hardly keep up. Savannah is now 23 months old, with her 2nd birthday just around the corner. It's hard to believe that this little toddler is growing so fast. At last weigh-in a week ago, she weighed 28.5 lbs and was 33.5" tall.

Savannah's interests have remained pretty much the same. She still loves nurturing her baby, playing with the chalk and felt boards, going for walks, and cooking. Our latest acquisition included a sandbox and picnic table (used) for $10. The sandbox has received the most use while the picnic table goes unused. However, both excellent quality fisher price items were a steal at that price.

A fun aspect of her personality is her obsession with new words that have an interesting sound, like "mower, daddys mower", "shop-ping mall", "tommy pickles", "tom tom". If it has a good "ring" so-to-speak then she is eager to repeat it over, and over, and over, and over.

Her interests in physical activities like running, tumbling and dancing have increased, although she is still a pretty relaxed kid my estimation. I try and practice these things with her, as it seems good for increasing coordination and following directions (if she has my genes she'll need this). On an emotional level, she is still extremely sensitive and we are constantly reminding ourselves of that too.

I will say that the interesting part of her behavior has been an increased tendency to imitate Jacob. However, this imitating is not one way. He now tries to imitate her as well. She really likes to do anything that he tries. This is especially nice since Jacob is starting to explore table foods. Toddlers are notorious for being picky eaters.

Her biggest physiologic changes have come in the way of bowel/bladder control. She is becoming much more aware of how it all works! She averages going the potty successfully at least once every day. Today, at daycare, they said she used it twice for them. A first for daycare. I'm not pushing her as she is still on the younger side, but she seems eager to please us with her endeavors. So, we'll take it!

We will be celebrating her birthday at daycare, since that's where all of her friends are right now. We (that is Mommy) can't wait! We've picked up just a couple of small items for her that we think she'll enjoy! That's it for now. There is one more picture of Savannah at 23 months and Jacob at 7 months.

"Jacob, don't worry, I'll make sure they take good care of you at daycare! It's your first day, and mommy wants to take a picture! Smile Jacob! Smile Jacob!"

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