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The Home Winemaking Page

Welcome to The Home Winemaking Page!

This page is all about winemaking at your own home. I consider home winemaking as a very rewarding hobby and I started this winemaking page to share it with you. If you read all the info, you should be able to successfully produce your own batch of wine.
Every winemaker has a different view on winemaking. As your winemaking skills evolve, you'll start combining methods and views from others and eventually you'll create your own. That's why the following reflects my view on home winemaking.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Enjoy the winemaking hobby!
Michiel Pesgens.
About this page

May 2003: Version 2.40 of WineCalc WineCalc is available for download now!


Click on the button of your choice Procedures and basic steps of winemaking explained
How to measure and calculate sugar and alcohol content
How to measure and adjust wine acidity
Equipment, ingredients, sulphite use, winemaker's log
Imp system / US system vs. Metric system and more tables
Winemaking terminology explained
Sample recipes to give you an easy start in winemaking
Design and print your own labels on the computer
Other winemaking resources on the web
The Photobook Some pictures of my own winemaking efforts
WineCalc WineCalc for Windows
The Home Winemaking Book, by Michiel Pesgens The Home Winemaking Book, by Michiel Pesgens

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Home Procedure Sugar and alcohol Acids More info Conversion tables Glossary Recipes Labels Links