Hopkinton, NH.
Operation from the old Coast Guard Station, Eastham, on Jan 19th.
W1QWT operating the AM station.
Plymouth, MA.
Some of the 39 users/sniffers went to Plymouth Community Intermediate School on Wednes night May 7th
to take the Skywarn course. For W1QWT and W1BT it was a refresher course.
But first stopped at Dillengers restaurant for a feast. KC1HO, a member of the SNS restaurant committee, reccomended Dillengers
and we all agreed it was a good choice.
Left to Right: W1QWT, WA1J, NS1N, K1RV, KC1HO, and W1BT.
The Skywarn students WA1J, W1BT, KC1HO, NS1N, and K1RV.
Well Hosstraders was a little rainy on Friday this May but on Saturday it was "ok fine!"
In attendance were: W1QWT, K1RV, N1ZZN, K1CWS, KA1BBU, WA1YKF, W1AI, W1RC, K1VV, K1DC,
K1WCC, W1CC, KB1IIU, and his daughter, Sarah, who is now KB1JYQ.
This year, Jeff, N1ZZN brought his license free FM transmitter up and we did a radio show all weekend.
We broadcasted on 103.1 FM stereo and on 1000 AM stereo. It covered the fair grounds and everyone was listening.
Q did the Poohpah show Friday night were he interviewed the Ghost of EF Johnson.
Sarah became KB1JYQ and her father KB1IIU became an Extra at Hosstraders
W1QWT and WA1HLR Q showing Tim his new VX7 that does 6 meter AM.