*** Scratch & Sniff in Daytron Ohio ***

*** Visiting the Hamvention at the Hara Arena ***

Well any outing requires proper nourishment and our trip to Daytron, as Timtron, WA1HLR, calls it was no exception. The restaurant in this picture was most excellant. On the right side in the front is the Poohpah himself, W1QWT, next to him is PIMAN the PIMAN, K1RV, then we have HO, KC1HO, then PAPA L, NS1N, and on the end is Tom, W1CC. On the other end, as usual, is Dickie, the wise sage and medicine man, W1AUZ, moving closer up the other side is Tom, K1TH, next to him is Tom's son, a fine young lad, and then holding down the left front of the table is none other than the ever lighter KA1BBU. I might add that this was a fine business restaurant and the manager was presented with a Scratch & Sniff Restaurant Approval Certificate. By the way BBU and the Poohpah had Northern Irish Roast Duck, the house specialty.
[SNS QSL Card]

Here is Piman the Piman, Q, and Ho at the Collins group hospitality room. Timtrom and and all the YA YEMERS were there. The picture was taken buy Mr. Buttons.

[SNS QSL Card]

Well the main reason for going to Daytron was to commune with the PARG group from Oregon (or organ as they prefer). Here you see two of the leaders of PARG posing for pictures with the Poohpah and entourage of Scratch and Sniffers. This shot was taken in the flea market area. The PARG (Phantom Amateur Radio Group) is the Scratch and Sniff sister club. Thier ideals and thoughts, impure or otherwise, are similar to ours. They also believe that Amateur Radio is a hobby that should be enjoyed and not taken too seriously.

[SNS QSL Card]
Speaking of Mr. Mike, aka MR. Buttons, here you see him with Pi and Ho in the Collins AM hospitality sweet.
It Looks like Pi flew in from Hawaii.

Rub A Dub Dub - Four Boys in a Tub
Left to Right: U, KA1BBU; L, NS1N; HO, KC1HO; Q, W1QWT. Yes a little therapy after a long day at the biggest flea in the world.
Well here they are waiting to get their sneakers shined!
Along with the Poohpah (Q), you see PIMAN, DEEK and the Sorry
Excuse contingent. Next to Q is the President of the PARG
group from Organ, USA. Next to PI is Pargs Personality Director.


Last edited on July 6, 1598 1