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Pour one quart of milk (as fresh and as full cream as possible) into a basin
and leave overnight to allow the cream to rise.
Stand the basin in a shallow pan of water and bring slowly to the boil.
Continue simmering until the cream has formed a rich, bubbly crust
(this takes about one and a half hours).
Allow to cool for several hours and finish off at refrigerator temperature.
Skim off clotted cream into a dish.
The highest yield will be 4 oz.

Note: this product is more commonly referred to as Cornish Cream or Devon Cream.
The recipe is that used by our mothers or grandmothers during World War II
(partly as a means of preserving the milk in warm weather).
Fresh, full cream milk is not so easy to come by now,
so using Supermarket milk (pasteurized and with 4% fat).
The yield will be 2 oz.

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