Ginger Beer
Yield: 5 quarts
1 large lemon; zest and juice
5 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 lb sugar
1 oz fresh root ginger; peeled and bruised
2.1/2 quarts boiling water
2.1/2 quarts cold water
1/2 oz fresh yeast
1 slice toast
Place the lemon zest, cream of tartar and sugar in a large bowl or plastic bucket. Add the bruised ginger.
Pour the boiling water over the mix and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
Add the cold water and lemon juice. Allow to cool until the mix is lukewarm.
Spread the yeast on the toast and float it on the mixture. Cover with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place for 24 hours until frothy.
Remove any scum from the top of the mixture, discard the toast and siphon the beer into sterilized bottles, avoiding any sediment.
Seal the bottles with screw-caps or corks secured with wire. Leave for 3 days in a cool place before drinking. Drink within the following 3 days or the ginger beer will taste too yeasty.
Ginger Wine
Yield: 4.5 quarts
4.5 quarts water
2.1/2 lb sugar
1 lemon; zest and juice
2 oz ginger root; peeled and bruised
1 teaspoon fresh yeast
4 oz raisins
2.1/2 oz brandy
Add the water, sugar, lemon zest and bruised ginger to a very clean saucepan. Bring to the boil, simmer for 1 hour.
Remove any scum and transfer to a large bowl. When it is luke-warm, add the yeast and leave overnight.
Next day, strain the lemon juice and add to the mix along with the chopped raisins. Place everything in a suitable vessel.
Stir the wine every day for 14 days. Add the brandy. Stop the vessel down by degrees and in a few weeks it will be ready to bottle.