This text has been written for me by my son Jason

I want to thank him for helping me and also thank Rand who
graciously allowed me to link to her Site against Spam

Conquering Mail Spam
The Quest for Clean Mail

On the events that surrounded my mother's recent ordeal,
I have decided to create this guide on how to defeat spam.
This was inspired by a spam letter that reached sizes that
were not healthy, resulting in lag and lots of wasted
time downloading it.

What is Spam?:
Spam is unsolicited messages or advertisement. Often sent by
commercial interests trying to HOOK people into buying their product.
It is also created by twisted people who try to have fun, creating
HOAXES on the net. There are various methods of acquiring your name
to be added to spamlists. Some of the more common methods are:

*People you know send you a copy of the e-mail to warn you of some
* disaster or free goodies
*Internet Cookies
*Visiting commercial sites and leaving your name and e-mail for

Not all of these are always going to result in SPAM, actually, only
a SMALL percentage of this will....But with millions of people
on the Internet, this is bound to happen.

When people send you an e-mail and it has many people's e-mail copied,
this is a first sign that it may be spam.
Unless you are a part of a mailing list (and expect this kind of mail),
the first thing to do is examine what it is...
DO NOT REPLY TO IT...If it contains news of stuff that is free
and not going to be free for long, IT IS likely SPAM.
If it contains news of stuff that is absolutely FREE, it is likely SPAM.
If it contains NEWS of a mega-virus or something like that it is
probably SPAM too>

Here is an example of spam:

"It is true, this is directly from If there is not 3000
replies by the end of the week, ICQ will not be free anymore and
everyone will have to pay for it. Send this to everyone you know that
has ICQ..."

This is utterly fake....
Why? Well first of all, Mirabilis would not let others announce this
for them, they would do it officially and in a formal e-mail. They would
not ressort to this kind of thing. Same thing for free stuff

In doubt of viruses, you can always go to sites like McAfee who provide
shareware virus scanners (and the best ones in my opinion) and download
the latest version of their software. You can be sure if there is a new
virus, these people WILL KNOW!

Another SAD example of spam is SEND THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW,
SEARCH FOR MISSING CHILD...It is sad to say, but unfortunately, this
is often spam. This kind of spam relies on people's good nature to forward
it, clogging up the internet highways. Use your judgement in these
but the person who does that, does not always do it to find the child.

You have to remember that there are 2 kinds of spammers. The
commercial one, who is JUST doing his job,(hence, don't hate the
poor slob, hate the company) and the amateur one. The amateur one is a
irrespoonsible and stupid person who thinks only of getting a cheap
thrill by being able to boast to others that he DID something that was
morally wrong and got suckers.

How to avoid Spam

* First of all, you must make sure you DO NOT REPLY TO ALL...
It will only create more spam, making a vicious cycle. If you must
reply, reply only to SENDER, not all recipients.
* Place your browser to warn you before accepting cookies. It is
normallly described in the help section. Most commercial sites will
send you those...but some sites, especially those relating to pornography
MIGHT retain your e-mail address in the cookie to spam you at a later
* Don't forward e-mails to friends when it is writtten to many people.
This is one of the most common ways to spread it.
* Be careful of guestbooks....Although 99.9999999% of them are harmless
it still can be used as a source to SPAM...because I have seen it
happen once. Webpages of dubious nature might result in this.
* Use Mail filters in your e-mail. You can set your e-mail to filter
out your mail.

For Netscape: -Go into the menu of your messenger mailbox
-EDIT->Mail Filters
-give the filter a name (example SPAM CLEANER #1)

-cleaning method A
-then DELETE

This method works when you have been spammed already by someone and
want to stop it. UNWANTED WORDS should be a few words SPECIFIC to the
e-mail, like free pornor the likes. This will filter
out any message that has free porn in the can also
filter out free porno or free pornography.

-cleaning method B
-then delete

This method works best for those who use e-mail for professional usage
You give those you want to email you a CODE to remember and to include
in the e-mail. For example if my code is MicroSUX, any e-mail that
does not have MicroSux in it will not come to me. Make sure you GIVE
all your friends and clients the CODE.

For those using something else thatn Netscape, like Microsoft Mail
or the likes, please consult your HELP FILE.

these is also a [More Button]...that allows you to make more complex
filters. You should have someone you know try to e-mail you trying
to pass something that would trigger the spam filter to make sure it

Legal Recourses:

Unfortunately, at the moment, there is nothing much that can be DONE
legally. It was proposed at the U.S. Senate to outlaw SPAM, but I
have not heard anything since I read that in the newspaper.
Canada has not given out any legislation concerning this form of
cyber-harassment yet. If people send spam that is Life-threatening,
of the nature of *YOU ARE GOING TO BE HURT* or of
*YOU WILL DIE*, then you should contact the police and ask them
what to do.

If you find the SOURCE of the MAIL, you MAY complain to the ISP
(the ones who provide Internet access to people) of the spammer. If
the spammer who first sent the e-mail is located at let us say, send an e-mail to
Most ISP's maintain an abuse department. You can always go to check
at the ISP homepage also, in this case it would be

If you have a page on the net
If you have a page on the internet, there is something you can do
to help stop these spammers from getting too much enjoyment out of
picking up e-mail address off your page.
On every page you write add this code:

<A HREF="mailto:postmaster@[]>

It is not visible on your page but what it does it when spammers
send out spiders looking for e-mail addresses it will pick it up
on any of your pages that it checks out. And if it sends spam it only
makes them spam their own system administrator.
I have 2 sites and I intend to put this on each and every page.
You know what they say...sometimes it is the little things that
are important.

I am also putting up a link here of an important site for fighting SPAM
It contains alot of very useful information and links to sites
that offer programs to convert ISP addresses.

Please visit this site..It is an important one
Take back the internet

Jason Terlecki

SPAMUnwanted messages
SPAMMERThose who send unwanted messages
ISPInternet Service Provider. They are the ones who connect you to the Internet
EMAILElectronic Mail,used to send messages at very high speed across the world
COOKIEInformation packet sent to another computer by a web browser
WEB BROWSER What you use to look at web pages
WEB PAGESNice little documents you can see on the Internet.
Also known as web site.
GUESTBOOKSYou can write nice messages concerning a web page
to the owners of the page.

Jason Terlecki is not affiliated in any way to McAfee, Netscape, Microsoft or Mirabilis
or any of their products. The lack of mention of TM or © or any LEGAL symbol
in the document is not meant to challenge their rights in any way, but simply
because this is only an information document used for non-profit ends to
help people out. If any of the above parties are offended by this,
please CONTACT ME and DON'T SUE right away. Jason Terlecki is not
responsible for any resulting data loss or damage to any computer in the
world resulting from information in this document. Jason Terlecki is not
responsible for LOSS of income due to the fact people are protecting
themselves against commercial SPAM with information from this document.
Jason Terlecki is not responsible for abused hamsters in Hungary.
And long live Keno, my toy lizard.

Down with Spam


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