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The group is composed of the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino all of which are inhabited, and the smaller uninhabited islands of Cominotto, Filfla and St.Paul.
The total area of the archipelago is 320 km/sq. The longest distance in Malta in a south-east/north-west axis is about 27 km and the widest distance is
14 km. The corresponding figures for Gozo are 14 km and 7 km. Comino, the smallest of the inhabited islands being 2.6 km/sq. The length of the shoreline around Malta is 136 km and that of Gozo is 43 km.The indentations around the coast form bays, sandy beaches and rocky coves and, more importantly, deep natural harbours.
With a population of around 350,000 crowding an area of 320 km/sq the Maltese Islands can claim to be the most densely populated country in Europe.
As a result of intermarriages throughout the ages, Semetic, Latin, Rhodian-Greek and a dash of Anglo-Saxon blood has produced a rich diversity of the Maltese physical "type" and it is only where character is concerned that there is conformity. Perhaps because of his fear of being  swallowed up in the crowd, the average Maltese will assert his individuality by adding his personal touch to his car, boat, house or any other of his possesions.

Msida, Sliema and St.Julians

Bugibba and St.Paul's Bay

Mosta and Mellieha


Created by R.Pullicino