As previously mentioned..going to bbq cookoffs is one of our favorite
activities. Around Fort Worth the cookoff season usually runs from March through November. During those months there are normally several cookoffs to choose from on any given weekend within a short driving distance of home.

Sanctioning Organizations
The main organizations which sanction cookoffs in this area are the
IBCA "International Barbecue Cookers Association", and the LSBS "Lone Star Barbecue Society". Membership in these organizations is optional with their cookoffs open to anybody who wants to participate, but there are some advantages to being a member. For example IBCA members get extra money from the organization if they happen to win at IBCA's big cookoff of the year at Traders Village...While LSBS members compete for a "Cooker of the Year" award based on a point system. Both groups also publish newsletters and cookoff calendars which are mailed to members.

The rules for both groups are just about the same and are fairly simple: *
  1. All food entries must be cooked onsite..starting raw and unseasoned.
  2. All meat categories must be cooked by use of wood or wood products.
  3. Campsite and food at the cookoff must be kept clean and sanitary.
  4. No sauce applied to the meat after cooking and no sauce puddled in 
      the turn-in tray.
  5. No garnish..lettuce..parsley..rose petals..etc. allowed in the tray.
            *(Check with IBCA and LSBS for complete set of rules)       

While the categories and amounts vary somewhat depending on which cookoff you attend the standard categories and turn in amounts are:

1. Beef Brisket (7-9 slices 3/8 inch thick)
2. Pork Spareribs (7-9 full ribs)
3. Split chickens (1-2 halves)
4. Pinto Beans (1 cup with nothing in the beans bigger than a bean)

Some cookoffs add additional categories of Pork Butt/Shoulder..wild game..chili...Bloody Marys..Pie..ect. So always check with the promoter to be sure you know what it is your supposed to be cooking.

Again there are many exceptions..but as a general rule most cookoffs begin on Friday afternoon with a meat inspection at 5 PM. At the inspection your required to show the Head Judge or his/her designated inspector the raw meat which you are supposed to cook. Contestants are usually permitted to arrive as late as they long as it's possible to get the entries ready for turn in on Saturday. Turn in times vary...but usually have a 10 miniute window on either side of the appointed time and run like this:

11:00  AM Pinto Beans
12:00  Noon Chicken
1:00    PM Pork Spare Ribs
2:00    PM Beef Brisket

3 PM - 4 PM Awards Ceremony

