Captain John Brewster's Company - These men were stationed in Newcastle from August 1776 to January 1777. In January they were moved to Ticonderago in NY. The following Rochester men served in this regiment.

James Howe - Doctor         Enoch Burnham - Sergant
John Brewster - Captain      Benjamin Hoyt - Corporal
John Bergin - Ensign           James Coleman - Corporal
Stephen Berry - Sergeant    Anthony N. Rollings - Drummer

Samuel Richards    Isaac Libby       Amos Place
Amos Spencer       Moses Rollings  Amos Hayes
John Richards       Charles Ricker   Abraham Morrison
Also seeing service in the Ticonderago region in 1777 were following militia;

Captain Benjamin's Titcomb's Company - The following Rochester men served in this company;
George Downing,  Samuel Forst,  Jonathan Downing, Samuel Ryon, Joseph Pearl, Thomas Shaw, and John Garlin

Captain F. M. Bell's Company - The following Rochester men served in this company;
Daniel Cook, Daniel Watson, Eben Chestley, Enoch Wingate, Joshua Place, Thomas Chamberlain, Daniel Wingate, Daniel Rogers jr, William Palmer, Timothy Ricker, Edward Rollings, George Heard, Paul Pearl, Simeon Pearl, Daniel Horn

The following served but unknown regiment - Henry Durgin, Samuel Alley, Jonathan Doe
The militia company commanded by Capt. McDuffee participated in the resounding victory at Saratoga. The following Rochester men served in this company;

Daniel McDufee - Captain          John Richards -  Private       Richard Furber -  Private
David Leighton - Ensign            Joseph Richards -  Private    William McNeal -  Private
Peter Glidden - Sergeant            John Allen -  Private             John Stanton -  Private
Solomon Clark - Corporal          Amos Spencer -  Private       John Nute -  Private
Jonathan Ellis - Corporal            Jonathan Dame -  Private      Joseph Thompson -  Private
Eben Twombly - Drummer        Dudley Pike -  Private           John Bickford -  Private
James Wentworth - Private        Moses Rawlings -  Private     Stephen Starboard -  Private
John McDuffe -  Private            Joseph Wingate -  Private
Enoch Hayes -  Private              Nicholas Wentworth -  Private
Tobias Ricker -  Private             Amos Hayes -  Private

This company was formed in 1777 and by the end of 1777 was disbanded.

The following six men served six months in Rhode Island during 1779-
Joseph Ricker, Tobias Ricker, Samuel Rollings, Thomas Carter, Paltiah Stevens, Isaac Hatch