Welcome to my Alaska Web Page

New Items include: Rose's School- SACRED HEART UNIVERSITY Link; Connecticut Photos Link; Rabbit Creek PTA Web Page Link; Aurora Forecast for Alaska Link; Alaska Zoo Link; Grab a All-Yours Postcards, All-Yours Greetings Cards!!, Check all of them out!

I live in "The Last Frontier" Anchorage, Alaska

Hello. I am Steve Gould. Please take a minute to look at my links and photographs as I think you will enjoy them. Our family has started to gather some really nice momentos of where we live. We have enjoyed traveling throughout Alaska and wanted to share some of its beauty. I hope you will visit just a few of the things we have taken the time to include on this page, so you will understand and appreciate the beauty of where we live. I have added pages for the children so that you can see some of the things they are interested in and that they like to do. I have also added some things we think are worth a look, if you make it North to Alaska. Thanks and enjoy. :-)

Believe it or not, I created this page on Sept. 06, 1998. I have finally finished building my computer! Now, I'll start on another one. Hey Rags, can you give me a hand on the next one?! I cannot believe I am going to do this again.

My interests are:
Creating Web Pages, Learning about and building Computers, Skeet, Sporting Clay and Trap Shooting, Fly Fishing, Fly Tying, Digital Photos, Wood Working & Enology.:-/

My page consists of:
Geez, rather than try to explain, just take a look. If you like what you see, enjoy!


Shotgun Clubs of USA

Rosemary's College Homepage

Steve's Photo's Page

Steve's URL Page

Search Index Page

My Favorite Winery Page

Caitlin' s Web Page!

Cami's Web Page!

E-mail me at sgould@gci.net

Links to other sites on the Web

NASA Photos--WOW!!
ICQ Chat
This is Where I am Employed
Mike Shaiken's Animated Gif's

Links to some of my friend's Web Pages

Rabbit Creek PTA Web Page

Rags' Web Page

Judy Hall's Web Page- Look at the Book!

Alaska Fur Exchange!!

Brij's Homepage!

Bill's World

BORED??? Try this site!!!

Grab a FREE All-Yours Greeting Cards


Thank you for visiting my web page!! What did you think? I am always trying to add new ideas to my web page, so keep checking back to see the additions.....you never know who or what will show up!!! If you want to call me and ICQ Chat, page me at UIN 786473. See below on the panel.
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