[This recipe is courtesy my mother. May you eat it with Mother's love.]
Chinese Almond
Wai Sun (Radix Dioscorese)
Dried Lily Bulb
Gee Doy See
Dried Baby Melon Seed
Nok Jok (Dried Polygonatum)
Sa Tang (Adenophora Verticillata)
Chicken Stock
Large Pork Bone with meat
In a 12 quart stock pot put your chicken stock over a medium high flame. Then put the gee doy see, dried baby melon and wai sun into the stock. (If the dried baby melon is big, then just use one. If they are small, then use two. Wash them and break them apart before putting into the stock.)Boil for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes place the pork bone into the soup and boil covered over high heat till the mixture is boiling. Reduce the heat to medium and cover and cook for an hour and a half.
Next place the water lily seeds in and cook over medium to low heat for another half hour. Also check the pork to see if it is cooked. This is done by inserting a fork into the meat on the bone. When it is done remove it, as you don't want the pork to overcook.
Finally add the nok jok and sa tang and cook for another half hour. Fifteen minutes after adding the nok jok, add the chinese almonds and finish cooking the last fifteen minutes. While it is cooking, take the meat off of the pork bone and cut it into small pieces, adding them to the soup after it is finished. You are now ready to eat.