
This site is dedicated to Palestinian Freedom Fighters, men and women, who lost their lives fighting for our
Long Live Free Palestine

"This is the Dove of Peace. She flies
around the world, to each and every
continent, country, island, mountain top,
...anywhere there are people in strife,
carrying the message of PEACE. But she
can't do it without your help"
... Birdlady

Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize winner for the NEW YORK TIMES said, "The most powerful narcotic invented by humankind is war.
It's that great landscape of the grotesque.
It's that power to destroy"

Will Rogers said in the late 1900's,
"Diplomats are just as essential to starting a war
as soldiers are for finishing it....
You take diplomacy out of war,
and the thing would fall flat in a week."

Ultimately we have just one moral duty,
to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves,
more and more peace,
and to reflect it toward others.
And the more peace there is in us,
the more peace there will be in our troubled world.
Etty Hillesum ( 1914 - 1943)

"In God's Name mankind has done so many atrocities.
He weeps for us all.
There are many paths to His Mountains,
may we all continue to strive
to reach the footpaths along the way"

So glad you found your way and dropped by!

Amnesty International

Site Map

Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes)1. About me 16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes)Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)

Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes) 2. A Nation Dispossessed, Dehumanized16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes)Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)

and Under Siege

Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes) 3. How Israel Was Created 16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes)Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)

Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes) 4. The Road Map16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes)Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)

Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes)5. Zuhair's Deep Space16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes)Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)

Btflygrp.gif (5115 bytes)16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes)6. My Photo Gallery 16_rosebutt.jpg (1257 bytes)Btflygrp.gif

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In Memory of those who lost their lives in Palestine

In Memory of those who lost their lives

on 9-11-01

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