Roberto Fogliardi
Born in Ancona, Italy, in April, 4, 1966
Address: Ancona (Italy)
Dr. Ing. Degree summa cum laude in electrical Engineering,
received from the University
of Ancona, Ancona, Italy, in July, 22, 1992. The Degree Thesis
was entitled "Analysis of the descending arm of systemic
arterial tree, performed using an hydraulic visco-elastic line,
loaded on a complex impedance". The thesis (in Italian) is
published on the site TesiOnLine.
Professional Diploma of Engineer, with full marks (140/140), in
November 1992. Since this date, member n. 1647 of Ordine
degli Ingegneri di Ancona.
Ph. D. Degree in Biomedical Engineering, received from the University of Bologna, Bologna,
Italy, in September, 24, 1996. The title of the Ph. D. Thesis
was: "Models of the Aortic Input Impedance and Estimation
of Arterial Compliance". The aim of the Ph. D. research was
a critical analysis of methods for the evaluation of total arterial
compliance, based on the estimation of parameters of models of
various complexity. Particular attention was paid to models used
in clinics. The research was developed in collaboration with the
Dept. of Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology and
Physiology, Washington State University, Pullman WA, and with
the Cardiology Section, Dept. of Medicine, University of Chicago,
Medical Centre, Chicago, IL.
Training Courses & Workshops
- September, 28 - October, 2, 1992: "Filters, Microwaves
and Integrated Circuits", organised by Siemens, Milano,
- June, 24-26, 1993: "Numeric elaboration of biomedical
signals", organised by Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica, CNR,
Pisa, Italy.
- September, 27-30 1993: "Biosystems and Complexity",
organised by Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria, CNR, Bressanone,
- June, 27-30 1994: "Fluidodynamics in cardiovascular
bioengineering", organised by CISM, Udine, Italy.
- September, 26-29 1995: "Prostheses for communication",
organised by Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria, CNR, Bressanone,
- Maj - October 1996 (60 hours): "Scheduling of Production",
organised by Regione Marche, Sezione Formazione Professionale
e Problemi del Lavoro, Angeli di Rosora (AN), Italy.
- October, 22-24, 1996: "Labview 4.0 Programming - Basic
Course", organised by National Instruments, Roma, Italy.
- March, 19-21, 1998: "Management in Radiology, Current
Trends and Future Priorities", organised by European Working
Group on Management in Radiology, Strasburgo, France.
- May, 19-20, 1999: "Connections for Windows NT",
organised by Eeicon Technology Education Services , Bergamo,
- April, 19, 2001; May, 16, 2001:
MPEG4, internal course organised by Aethra, Ancona, Italy.
- June, 18-19, 2001: Basic course
on Microsoft SQL Server 2000, organised by Microsoft, Rome, Italy.
- May, 14-16, 2002: IMTC Forum,
organised by International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium,
Geneve, Switzerland.
- July, 16, 18, 2002 (8 hours):
Network security, internal course organised by Aethra, Ancona,
- August, 24,26,27, 2002 (15 hours):
Advanced Communication Skills, organised by C.M.T. (Communication
and Media Training), London, held in Aethra, Ancona, Italy.
- March, 7-14, 2003: 7th Joint Video Team Meeting, ITU, Pattaya, Thailand.
- Maj, 19-24, 2003: Best Practices of e-business in USA, organised by GEA, held in MIT, Boston, USA
- Maj, 20,21, 2003: Defining eBusiness: Innovation, Productivity, and Market Leadership, MIT Center for eBusiness, Boston, USA.
- Settembre, 22,23, 2003: ESA Telecom Applications Workshop 2003, organised by ESA, held in ESTEC center, Noordwijk, Nederland.
- English: quite good knowledge.
- German: scholastic knowledge (attended at secondary
Professional Experiences
From January 1996 to May 1996 I have been working as consulting
engineer of Summa s.r.l. (
Loccioni group ), in Angeli di Rosora (AN), Italy. The aim
of the work consisted in applying a software package (Taylor II,
© F&H), for Logistic and Data Process Reengineering.
From May, 6, 1996 to May, 30, 1997 I have been working for the
AEA (Advanced Electronic Applications, Loccioni
group), in Angeli di Rosora (AN), Italy, as flow process analyst
and software programmer.
From June, 1, 1997 to April 2002 I have been in employ of Aethra, in Ancona, Italy,
as software programmer, involved in telecommunication and video-communication
projects. Since May 2002 I have been moved to the Aethra Strategic
Planning group, working on the analysis of new technologies for
prototypes' projects.
- Analysis and simulation of an automated procedure for
labelling products and loading trucks, for Fileni, Jesi (AN),
February - Maj, 1996. This work, developed using Taylor II, regarded
a preliminary analysis of the automation of processes of weighing
and loading alimentary products. Particular attention has been
paid to the problem of loading and picking of warehouse and to
the maximisation of busy time of weighing-machines. Results of
this analysis are actually used for a concrete project of automation,
- Automation of sugar-beet trucks unloading and sugar-beet
sampling for laboratory, For Sadam, Jesi (AN) e Fermo (MC),
June - August 1996. The work regarded a preliminary logistic
analysis of the problem, followed by PC software development.
In particular, I developed software, using Visual Basic, for
managing data exchange between PC and PLC, PC and Tiris RF Readers,
and various PC connected in LAN network. Further, I followed
the installation and testing of software and hardware.
- Data Elaboration for Electrical Safety Test. For C.E.SET,
Asti, September - Becember 1996. I developed a software (using
Visual Basic, Access and SQL) for statistical elaboration of
data collected from testers. These testers execute electrical
safety test on washing-machines electrical motors. Further, I
worked in AEA on a software package for the detection of noisy
motors, developed usig LabVIEW and based on Short Time Fourier
Analysis and Fuzzy Logic. The results of this application are
actually argument of an abstrac submitted to the congress Eufit
- Integration ot Telemedical Instruments: during my
collaboration with Aethra, I developed an Electronic Medical
Record (using Visual Basic, Access and SQL), integrated with
a teleconsulting system, in collaboration with the Neuro Eye
Diagnostics of Houston.
- Telecardiology: From December 1998 to August 2000
I have been involved in an European project of Telecardiology
(Teleregions SUN2),
in collaboration with CEFRIEL
and Regione Lombardia. The software is developed using Visual
C++ and is based on a TCP/IP client/server system.
- Telediagnosis of digital lines: since 1998, I've been
involved in several projects regarding the automated diagnosis
of ISDN lines and ISDN NT1+ and NT-IP. The aim of these project
is the development of a system for the the end user NT1+ and
NT-IP verification and remote management. One of these projects
is performed in collaboration with CSELT.
All projects are based on C++ software development. The main
service providers involved until now have been Telecom Italia,
Belgacom, Wind, and Telecom Denmark.
- ADSL networks. From june 2001 to April 2002 I have contributed
to the configuration and test of ADSL routers and modems, also
developing ad-hoc software.
- Mobile Telemedicine: Since September 2003 I am involved in the ESA project N.E.S.A. for the development of an integrated telemedicine system for mobile units.
Informatic knowledges
- Operative Systems: Windows (3.11,95, 98, NT),
- Programming Languages: Visual Basic (3,4,5)
, Labview, Fortran, Pascal, C, C++ (Visual C 1.52-4-5-6), Assembler
- Databases, Worksheets and Various Management Tools:
Access, Excel, Project.
- Software for controls and modelling: Matlab, Simnon,
Adapt, Taylor II.
Scientific Curriculum
- July, 4-8, 1993: Biomechanics, XIV ISB Congress, Parigi,
- September, 5-8 1993: 20th Computers in Cardiology, IEEE Computers
Society, Londra, UK.
- September, 24-28 1994: 21th Computers in Cardiology, IEEE
Computers Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
- April, 30 - May, 3, 1995: 3rd European Conference on Engineering
and Medicine, E.S.E.M., Firenze.
- September, 10-13, 1995: 22th Computers in Cardiology, IEEE
Computers Society, Vienna, Austria.
- October, 4-7, 1995: XII Congresso della Società Italiana
dell'Ipertensione Arteriosa, Napoli, Italy.
- September 8-11, 1997:EUFIT '97, 5th European Conference on
Intelligent Techniques and soft computing, Aachen, Germany.
- September 12, 1997: First International Data Engine User
Meeting, Aachen, Germany.
- June 8-10, 1998: EuroAmeritel '98. Developing Cooperation
and Joint Business in Telematics for Health Care and Education
and Training. Santiago, Cile.
- June 19-20, 1998:4th
European Congress on Telepathology. European
Society of Pathology, Udine.
- November, 28-29, 1998: Teleregions
Conference. Tele-Applications for European Regions. Vienna,
- November, 30 - December, 2, 1998: IST 98. Information Society
Technology. Vienna, Austria.
- November, 28 - December, 1, 1999: Telemed 99. 7th International
Conference on Telemedicine and Telecare. London, UK.
- September, 11-13, 2002: Krajowe
Sympozjum Telekomunikacji (KST '2002) - Bydgoszcz, Polonia.
- October, 20, 2003: ICT e Sanità, prospettive ed esigenze. INFORAV, Roma.
- Burattini, R., R. Fogliardi, and K.B. Campbell.
Lumped model of terminal aortic impedance in the dog. Ann.
Biomed. Eng. 22 (4): 381-391, 1994.
- Fogliardi, R., R. Burattini, S.G. Shroff, and K.B. Campbell.
Fit to diastolic arterial pressure by third-order lumped model
yields unreliable estimates of arterial compliance. Med.
Eng. Phys., 18 (3): 225-233, 1996.
- Burattini, R., R. Fogliardi, and R. Gobbi. Comments
on: "Exponentially tapered T-tube model of systemic arterial
system in dogs". Med.
Eng. Phys.., 18 (4): 333-335, 1996.
- Fogliardi, R., M. Di Donfrancesco, and R. Burattini.
of linear and nonlinear formulations of the three-element windkessel
model. Am. J. Physiol., 271 (Heart Circ. Physiol.
40): H2661 - H2668, 1996.
- Fogliardi, R., R. Burattini, and K.B. Campbell. Identification
and physiological relevance of an exponentially tapered tube-model
of canine descending aortic circulation. Med.
Eng. Phys., 19 (3): 201-211, 1997.
- Fogliardi, R. Il teleconsulto in medicina. Telemed
(Suppl. a Management e Telecomunicazioni), 10: 25-28,
- Fogliardi, R, and G. Romiti. Un algoritmo Fuzzy per
l'analisi del rumore nei motori a induzione.Automazione e
Strumentazione, 11: 119-122, 1998.
- Borghi G., E. Brenna, R. Fogliardi, E. Frumento, L. Luzzi,
V. Montericcio. Sanità e reti telematiche: il caso
della rete CARDNET in Lombardia. Progettare per la Sanità,
54: 56-65, 1999.
- Fogliardi, R., E. Frumento, D. Rincon, M.A. Vinas, and
M. Fregonara. Telecardiology:
results and perspectives of an operative experience. Journal of Telemedicine
and Telecare, 6 (1): 162-164, 2000.
- Fogliardi, R., R. Burattini, and K.B. Campbell. About
the reliability of a third order lumped model for estimating
arterial compliance. (Abstract) High Blood Press. 3 (Suppl.
to N. 3): 24, 1994.
- Fogliardi, R., and R. Burattini. Effect of wave reflection
on estimates of arterial compliance obtained from exponential
fit to diastolic pressure decay. (Abstract) High Blood Press.
4 (Suppl. to N. 3): 22, 1995
- Di Donfrancesco, M., and R. Fogliardi. Detecting noisy
electrical motors. (Abstract) Appl Eng, January 1998,
pp. 128-129.
- Fogliardi, R., M. Fregonara, R. Flaiani, E. Frumento,
G. Valetto, and N. Dal Degan. An operative project of cardiological
interactive on-line diagnosys. (Abstract) Adv. Clin Path.
2 (2): 185-186, 1998.
- Burattini, R., R. Fogliardi, and K.B. Campbell. Pressure
dependence of overall compliance of abdominal aortic circulation
in dogs. Proc. of "Biomechanics", XIV ISB Congress,
Paris, July 4-8, 1993, pp. 226-227.
- Burattini, R., R. Fogliardi, L. Fioretti, and K.B. Campbell.
On quantification of arterial compliance by a third order lumped
model. Proc. of the 20th Computers in Cardiology, London,
September 5-8, 1993, Los Alamitos CA, IEEE Computer Soc., pp.
- Burattini, R., R. Fogliardi, and K. B. Campbell. Effective
reflecting sites and effective lengths in the arterial system.
In: J. Vossoughi ed., Biomedical Engineering Recent Developments,
Proc. of the 30th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference,
University of the District of Columbia, Washington D.C., April
16-17, 1994, pp. 390-393.
- Fogliardi, R., R. Burattini, and K.B. Campbell. On
evaluation of vasodilator-induced changes in arterial compliance
by pressure pulse contour analysis. In: J. Vossoughi ed., Biomedical
Engineering Recent Developments, Proc. of the 30th Southern Biomedical
Engineering Conference, University of the District of Columbia,
Washington D.C., April 16-17, 1994, pp. 394-397.
- Fogliardi, R., A. Mancini, and R Burattini. Wave reflection
affects estimation of arterial compliance by first-order lumped
model. Proc. of the 21th Computers in Cardiology, Bethesda,
September 25-28, 1994, Los Alamitos CA, IEEE Computer Soc., pp.
- Fogliardi, R., M. Di Donfrancesco and R. Burattini.
Behaviour of Windkessel arterial model with pressure-dependent
compliance. Proc. of the 3rd European Conference on Engineering
and Medicine, Florence, Italy, April 30-May 3, 1995, p. 372.
- Fogliardi, R., R. Burattini, and K.B. Campbell. Comparison
between uniform and exponentially tapered tube models of the
descending aortic circulation. Proc. of the 22th Computers
in Cardiology, Vienna, September 10-13, 1995, Los Alamitos
CA, IEEE Computer Soc., pp. 66-672.
- Fogliardi, R., R. Burattini, K.B. Campbell. Indagine
sull'affidabilità di un modello del terzo ordine per la
stima della complianza arteriosa sistemica. Atti del XI Congresso
della Società Italiana dell'Ipertensione Arteriosa,
Pisa, 5-8 Ottobre, 1994, p. 119.
- Fogliardi, R., R. Burattini. Effetto della riflessione
d'onda sulle stime di complianza arteriosa ottenute dall'approssimazione
esponenziale di una pressione diastolica. Atti del XII Congresso
della Società Italiana dell'Ipertensione Arteriosa,
Napoli, 4-7 Ottobre, 1995, p. 117.
- Burattini, R., R. Fogliardi, K.B. Campbell. Unicità
e significato fisiologico delle stime di complianza aortica ottenute
dal modello a T asimmetrica. Atti del XII Congresso della
Società Italiana dell'Ipertensione Arteriosa, Napoli,
4-7 Ottobre, 1995, p. 175.
- Fogliardi, R. Fuzzy Identification of Noisy Electric
Motors on the Production Line. Proc.
of the 5th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft
Computing, Aachen, Germany, September 8-12, 1997, pp
1755 - 1759.
- Fogliardi, R., Fochem, M., and Wischnewski, P. Intelligent
Data Analysis with DataEngine V.i for Quality Control of Electric
Motors on the Production Line. Proc. of the 1st International
DataEngine User Meeting, Aachen, Germany, September 12, 1997,
pp. 23-28.
- Fogliardi, R. Teleconsulting and medicine: technology
for efficiency. Proceedings of Euroameritel '98, Santiago
(Cile), June 8-10, 1998, p 130.
- Fogliardi, R., and P. Totaro. Application CAROLIN
- Cooperative Application for Remote OnLine Interactive diagnosi.
Proc. of Teleregions Conference, Wien (Austria), November
28-29, 1998, published on Teleregions
web page.
- Totaro, P., R.Lorusso, D.Rocco, R.Moretti, R.Fogliardi,
E.Frumento, M.Zogno. On Line Interactive Diagnosis in Cardiac
Surgery: a Preliminary Experience. Proc of International Cardiovascular
Surgery Simposium, Zurs am Arlberg (Austria), March, 6-13,
- Rincon, D., E.Frumento, R.Fogliardi, M.A.Vinas. CARMEN/CAROLIN:
description and results of an international experience of telemedicine.
Proc of ISTEP 2000, Koice (Slovak Republic) , March
22-24, 2000, pp 225-230.
- Rincón, D., López, P., Viñas M. Á.,
Frumento E., and Fogliardi, R. CARMEN: un proyecto internacional
de telemedicina. Proc. Of Jitel Telemed, Barcelona (Spain),
September, 19-21, 2001, pp 503-511.
Degree Theses
- Lauro Fioretti. Evaluation of global arterial compliance,
using peripheral measurements of pressure. Tutors: Prof. R. Burattini
and Eng. R. Fogliardi, A.A: 1992-93.
- Andrea Bigi. Comparison between models of carotid
arterial impedance. Tutors: Prof. R. Burattini, Ing. R. Fogliardi,
A.A. 1992-93.
- Annalisa Paola Mancini. Models of systemic arterial
impedance for clinical evaluations of compliance. Tutors: Prof.
R. Burattini, Eng. R. Fogliardi, A.A. 1993-94.
- Pasquale Avvantaggiato. Approximation of Compliance
vs. Pressure curves. Tutors: Prof. R. Burattini, Ing. R. Fogliardi,
A.A. 1993-94.
- Massimo Manzi. Auto-recursive methods for evaluation
of arterial compliance. Tutors: Prof. R. Burattini, Eng. R. Fogliardi,
A.A. 1993-94.
- Rita Gobbi. Analysis of input impedance of descending
aortic circulation, using a tapered elastic line with complex
load. Tutors: Prof. R. Burattini, Eng. R. Fogliardi, A.A. 1993-94.
- Marco Di Donfrancesco. Three-elements windkessel model
and compliance vs. pressure relationship. Tutors: R. Burattini,
Eng. R. Fogliardi, A.A: 1993-94.
- Ahmed Akel Dawoud Sawafta. Comparison between partially
distributed models of descending aortic circulation.. Tutors:
Prof. R. Burattini, Eng. R. Fogliardi, A.A: 1993-94.
- Paolo Pagnanelli. Components of hydraulic power in
windkessel model applied to global systemic circulation. Tutors:
Prof. R. Burattini, Eng. R. Fogliardi, A.A: 1994-95.
- Mariolino De Cecco. Realisation of an hydraulic model
for analysis of the interaction between left ventricle and systemic
arterial system. Tutors: Prof. R. Burattini, Prof. N. Paone,
Eng. R. Fogliardi, A.A: 1994-95.
- Marco Raparo. Preliminary analysis of a left ventricle
simulator, connected with systemic arterial system. Tutors: Prof.
R. Burattini, Eng. R. Fogliardi, A.A: 1994-95.
- Massimo Meloni. T-tube model of systemic arterial
system: parameter estimation in relation to available measurements
of pressure and flow. Tutors: Prof. R. Burattini, Eng. R. Fogliardi,
A.A: 1994-95.
- Alberto Binci. Simulation of short-term regulation
of systemic arterial pressure. Tutors: Prof. R. Burattini, Eng.
R. Fogliardi, A.A: 1994-95.
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