14 fl oz coconut milk
4 chicken legs, boned & cut in 1" cubes
1/2 tsp salt
4 tbsps vegetable oil
1-1 1/2 tbsps fish sauce.
1 tsp dark brown sugar
2 tsps finely julienned lemon rind
15-20 fresh sweet basil or mint leaves
4 tbsps red curry paste
1) Stand the coconut milk until the cream rises to the top.
Skim off 4 tbsps of cream and reserve. Stir the rest of
milk.Put this milk into a frying pan and add salt.Put in
the chicken peices and boil.Stir and cook on a medium
high heat for about 20 mins. Set aside.
2) Put the oil and reserved coconut cream into a frying pan.
Bring to the boil. Add the red curry paste and stir and
fry on a medium high heat until the oil separates and
the paste is lightly browned. Lower the heat and add the
fish sauce and sugar. Stir to mix.
3) Add the chicken and the coconut milk it was simmered in.
Boil then simmer on a low heat for a minute.(All of the
above can be done several hours ahead of time).
4) Put the hot curry in a serving dish and scatter the
basil or mint leaves over the chicken and then, with the
back of a spoon, submerge slightly in the sauce.Scatter
the lemon rind over the top.