Recipe:  Spaghetti and Meat Balls


4 lbs. of ground beef
salt pepper and Italian spice blend
2  large cans of tomatoes crushed
1 or 2 lrge  onions
green pepper  [optional]


Heat up a frying pan and mix together your hamburger with onions and salt and pepper roll into meat balls and then into flour and fry in pan saute your remaining onions in a large roasting pan a the same time putting meat balls on top as they are browned.  Add to the roasting pan your tomatoes and your pepper and salt and Italian spice blend stirring occasionally for the meat to cook . In a cheese cloth put about a half a cup of pickling spice and tie together and drop in center of the meat ball tomato sauce .  this should be started early in the morning about eight o clock and stirred all day for the spices to blend together .