Welcome to The Tomato Haters' Society Home Page

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Our Members:


Tomato Hater Title


Naama Bar-Oz

The Society Visionary

"This is about Human rights. We're fighting for a better future for our children."

Noa Harvey

Public Relations & Software Engineering

"It's not about hating ketchup.
It's a way of life."

Kaley Eigner

Head of Research & Development Dept.

"Every person is entitled to a life without tomatoes, and we're reinforcing that idea."

Dooby Harvey

Head of Military Branch

"Tomatoes should not be accepted in humanity unless they are squashed, cooked, and ground.
Green tomatoes, miniatiature tomatos, orange tomatoes etc. are hereby denounced and have no use for man or beasts of the field."

George Fielder

Director of Operations

"When people ask if I like this or that, I simply reply: 'Look... I hate tomatoes, everything else I will eat'.
This proves that tomatoes are poisonous. Enough said."

Tom Shahar

Head of Sports Desk

"I have nothing to say about tomatoes.
I just hate them"

Jeff Dubin

Chunky Sauce Assassin

"They are everywhere? It's almost impossible to get around them!
I do like ketchup, and pasta sauce with lots of meat and covered with parmesan cheese. Also, sauce on pizza is OK, I mean, it's pizza.
Other than those limited used, tomatoes should be banned forever. Or at very least, restaurants, cafeterias etc. should have a 'tomato-free' menu just like they have vegetarian menus."

Yael Sinclair

Head of Scotch Branch

"Ever since I could eat, no fresh tomato has ever entered my mouth."

Ansy Mcniddlenodder

Head of Tomato Destruction Dept.

"I don't like tomatoes"

Mark Boerman

Counter-Intelligence NCO

"Tomatoes are evil. I would do anything to rid the world of all tomatoes."

Neil Leslie

Director of Tomato Spanking

"I fuckin' hate the vile, detestable fruit of Satan (...) They make me want to puke."

Jens Kaagaard Olsen

Head of Earth Security Defence

"I do believe that tomatoes ware brought to earth by an evil lifeform from another galaxy. We (the Tomato Haters) are the only people left on earth with a mind of our own, the rest of mankind has been manipulated by the small cells hidden in tomatoes. Itīs all up to us folks!!!"

Jacob Skyum

Society Knight

"It's not that I don't like the taste of them, in fact I can't remember how they taste, I just think they're disgusting!
Not only are they disgusting, but they have a mind of their own, and their ultimate goal, I believe, is world domination! - They are spreading all over the world like a disease, and I believe it is important to try and inform people of the sickness they bring upon themselves by eating these disgusting red things! Once people have grown to like tomatoes, it is too late, their minds will be taken over.."

The Tomato Haters' Society will accept new members. If you are a tomato hater, all you have to do is fill out our application form.
We will review your application and if you are found eligible you will be accepted as a member in our society.
We are also eager to post pictures, articles, links and any other relevent material you send us.

Contact Us:

You can reach us at tomatohaters@geocities.com

Number of visitors since foundation:

Thank you for visiting us, and beware of the enemy.